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A shiver runs down Yoongi's spine as he stands across the street from the little hole-in-the-wall dive bar.

It's the same one he's been watching for the past two hours from his spot just inside the mouth of an alley, which is in perfect view of the entrance; a red door dimly illuminated by a single yellow light above it.

He's hoping that he won't be needing to spend any more time on this because he wants to go home.

Wants to go soak in the tub then snuggle into his favorite spot on the couch to watch the newest episode of the period drama he's become far too invested in.

And see his husband, of course...

Yes, he's hoping this won't stretch on too far into the night but there's no way to ensure this. He can't rush or predict how this will play out.

He can only control and prepare so much for these things.

He hisses as a cold gust of wind sweeps through the ally, causing him to hug his large, padded coat more tightly around him, never moving his eyes away from the red door all the while.

He flinches when his phone begins to buzz unexpectedly in his pocket before taking the device out to see that it's Taehyung calling.

He debates answering it, not wanting to be distracted from the door, but he knows he's on unsteady ground with his husband as it is.

No need to widen the gap between them unnecessarily.

So, instead of ignoring it, he takes a deep breath through his nose before using his teeth to remove the leather glove he'd been wearing to answer the call.


"Do you think you can pick up some almond milk on your way home?"

No hello, please, not even any inkling in his tone that this isn't actually a question despite it being posed as one.

Yoongi exhales through his nose silently. "I'm not sure the grocery store will be open by the time I finish up here, hun."

"But we're out and I need it," he whines and Yoongi can picture perfectly the petulant pout his husband no doubt has on his lips as the younger continues, "I won't have time to stop anywhere before work tomorrow and definitely won't have time after. I have a meeting in the morning with one client then another with a different client after lunch. Then in the afternoon I'll be..."

Taehyung's voice fades into the background as Yoongi watches a shiny red Lamborghini round the corner before parking in one of the parking stalls next to the bar.

A vehicle that is severely out of place for a neighborhood such as this; run down, muggy and crime ridden.

This is who Yoongi's been waiting for.

Fucking finally!

With a sparkle in his eye, Yoongi speaks into the receiver. "Maybe I will be able to duck out a little early. I think I overestimated how long it will take me to finish up here. I'll stop on my way home," he interjects, cutting off his husband's rambling.

"Okay," Taehyung answers half heartedly, "It needs to be the unsweetened kind... And I need bananas... And we're out of dish soap. We could also use more..."

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