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"So... how did we do?" I nervously questioned Felix, glancing at his phone, which he was about to show us.

"You guys are seriously talented! I'd love to hear you sing as well if you're up for practicing a live performance," Felix complimented us. I checked with the other members, and they smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I guess we can show you our singing too," I said anxiously, aware that I wasn't as skilled as Felix. We grabbed our microphones, and as the main dancer and rapper, I had to decide between a handheld mic or one closer to my face. I chose to prioritize my rapping since dancing came more naturally to me.

"Okay, let's line up!" Ji-ah, the group's leader, called out. We positioned ourselves, and the girls performed almost flawlessly, with only a few minor mistakes in lyrics and melodies due to heavy breathing. Then it was my turn, and performing my fast-paced rap while dancing wasn't the easiest task. I managed to do well, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw Felix beaming with pride. It warmed my heart to see him proud of my achievement. Next, I had a slower bridge rap with a more challenging choreography. By the time it ended, my legs felt like they were about to give way, and I was breathing heavily as I made my way towards Felix. Almost stumbling, I was caught and supported by Felix.

"Hey, hey, take it easy. You did great. Don't push yourself too hard during practice, okay?" Felix reassured me. Feeling almost on the verge of collapsing, I nodded slowly as Felix gently guided me to the spacious sofa in the corner. Exhausted, I found myself dozing off and unintentionally falling asleep on top of Felix.

"Chae-Yeong, are you asleep?" Felix whispered in my ear. Since I didn't respond, he assumed I was and settled in, gradually drifting off to sleep himself.


As we woke up, our eyes met. We were mere inches away from touching each other's noses.

"Oh! Uh, I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, trying to move away.

"Can't we stay like this a little longer? It's quite nice," he said, looking at me with his adorable eyes.

"Oh? Well, alright then," I replied, lying back down and letting him embrace me. He was right. It was undeniably pleasant, even though it felt strange to imagine myself cuddling with my bias on a spacious sofa in an empty practice room at JYP Entertainment. We stayed that way for a while, occasionally stealing glimpses of each other. He was incredibly handsome. However, I didn't feel anything peculiar. It was more like hugging a dear friend rather than having a crush, and I rather enjoyed it that way. Little did I know that everything was about to change very soon.



She's so beautiful. Her eyes shimmered in the faint light that remained in the room. It was so comfortable just cuddling with her. Maybe it wasn't the ideal place, but at least it felt like progress. However, in the midst of our moment, I received a call from Chan Hyung. I looked at Chae-Yeong before sighing softly and getting up to retrieve my phone.


"Hey, mate! Where are you?"

"I'm at practice with Chae!"

"Practice? Is she still practising? Why would you let her overwork herself like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Lix, it's 5 am."

"Oh, really? Shit, then she won't be able to make it back to her hotel in time to sleep."

"Just let her stay here. Ji-ah is already here anyway, so..." he trailed off, regretting that he had said too much.

"Oh, alright!" I replied and turned to face Chae-Yeong. "Is it okay for you to sleep over at our place? It's not the fanciest dorm, but at least you won't have to rush back to your hotel."

"I really don't want to be a bother! But if it's not a problem, I would greatly appreciate it," she said, flashing that sweet smile of hers. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement.


We arrived at the dorm, and I showed her to my room. Since I shared it with Chan, I lightly knocked on the door before entering, only to find Ji-ah and Chan cuddling in his bed as if they were asleep.

"Chae, should we sleep in another room to give them some privacy?" I whispered.

"Sounds like a good idea!" she whispered back, so I led her to another room. The room had a double bed, so I looked at her and said,

"I hope you don't mind us sleeping in the same bed."

"Oh no, that's perfectly fine with me!" she replied, and I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.


Both of us were ready for bed, so we sat next to each other. I gazed into her eyes, feeling a spark between us. I moved closer and hugged her.

"What are you doing, Lixie?" she asked, laughing.

"Just cuddling?" I asked with a pleading look.

"Alright, alright," she relented. She smelled incredible. Her freshly washed hair didn't carry the scent of sweat this time.

"Goodnight, Aussie boy!" she said, closing her eyes and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Goodnight, Chae."


 So sorry for not updating in a while. Anyways, No Easy is so good, like omgaaaaa. LO$ER=LO♡ER is also a bop. And it was my birthday two weeks ago✌🏻. That's everything that has happened in the past weeks that I haven't been uploading!

Word count: 907

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