Yellow Bird !??

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Bob the builder (not with his black trench coat on), stared into Bill's future wife's eyes. 
She looked away from him and sighed. "I'm sorry Bob..." She said 

"Why?" Bob questioned

"I can't do this anymore." Bill's future wife said, tears brewing in her eys. 

"why?" Bob the builder questioned once more. 

"I don't love you anymore !!" Bill Nye's future wife said, her voice high pitched with emotion. 

"Why?" Bob asked

"I'm in love with Bill Nye the Science Guy." Bill's future wife said firmly. 

"How?" Bob asked, his voice almost robotic. 

"I've been cheating on you with Bill Nye for 3 months...." Bill's future wife replied, with no remorse whatsoever. 

Bob gasped. Tears formed in his eyes. Bob the builder began sobbing uncontrollanyly. 

"I will never. EVER. Forget this...." Bob said, vowing his revenge on Bill's future wife and Bill Nye the Science Guy himself. 

~end of flashback~

Back at the coffee shop dumpster....

Bill towered over a quivering thirsty garfield, and his coffee stained wife. He was too tired to please garfield. 

He turned behind him, hoping to see Barney at the end of the dark musty alleyway. 

He paused, noticing a flash of light reflecting off of Barney's sunglasses. 

His heart began beating faster and faster. I have to go to him ! !

He began running toward the end of the alleyway. Garfield let out a yell, "BILL WAIT ! !" 

Bill's wife just watched her husband who was hopelessly in love with a dinosaur run away into a dark ...dangerous... alleyway. 

Bill continued running to the en of the dark alleyway. 

"BARNEY!!" Bill Nye screeched for Barney with longing. 

Barney turned around, his big purple claw clamped over a plastic ziploc bag filled with what appeared to be a white dusty substance. 

The man who was handing Barney the ziploc bag wore a big black trench coat, this man had a yellow construction hat on beneath the large coat. 

Bill lte out a gasp. "Barney!! H-HOW COULD Yuo?@!! Did you not watch my episode about drug awareness?! Drugs are bad for you!!" 

"I-I....Bill!! Please understand!! He had it for a really good price!! I'm buying for a friend who is in  crippling debt and is addicted to cocaine!" 

"sure...." Bill Nye wasn't could the love of his life be doing drugs?! 

Bill couldn't stand for this...

~back at the dumpster~

Garfield was standing there wtching Bill run after Barney... 

He felt very left out, and decided to folllow

"Bill ! " garfeld shouted, running in the direction bill went, this left Bill's future ex wife alone in a dangerous dark alleyway..

An enormous yellow bird swiped up the short woman and ran off with her. 
Who could this yellow bird be? !                                                 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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