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The dawn is just barely creeping as a raven haired woman's eyes opened.

Her window facing the sun as the rays barely come in through the window and translucent curtains.

Hyacinth sat up and stretched with a yawn.

Looking out the window, she has a good view of the forest and London from a distant hilltop.

Her home was more of a mini mansion, but it was just right for her.

As she gets dressed, she recalls how she got here. After living for over 354 years as the Golden Girl of the Wizarding World, Death came to her with an offer to live in another world. Of course she would not know what was in this world firsthand.

She found herself de-aged at the age of 23, and apparently all her wealth came with her. Including her Right of Conquest fortunes.

So in summary from what she got in wealth:

Conquest: (20 families who tried to overthrow her over the years)

Avery: 694,000,000,000 Galleons

Carrow: 730,000,000,000

Flint: 580,000,000,000

Bulstrode: 677,000,000,000

Parkinson: 666,000,000,000

Mulciber: 613,000,000,000

Runcorn: 435,000,000,000

Macnair: 357,000,000,000

Rosier: 241,000,000,000

Pettigrew: 210,000,000

Selwyn: 524,000,000,000

Rowle: 467,000,000,000

Nott: 512,000,000,000

Pyrites: 534,000,000,000

Rakepick: 798,000,000,000

Travers: 643,000,000,000

LeStrange: 1,542,000,000,000

Yaxley: 659,000,000,000

Quierrel: 11,255,000,000

Lockheart: 32,570,000,000

Conquest from Tom: (4)

Slytherin: 44,000,000,000,000

Gaunt: 376,000,000,000

Cadimus Vault: 5,300,000,000

Riddle: 494,986,500 British Pounds

By will or to whoever offs The Dark Lord: (10)

Slughorn: 13,875,000,000

Flamel: 832,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Crouch: 721,653,000,000

Gibbon: 1,231,000,000

Lowe: 411,000,000,000

Karkaoff: 68,720,000,000

Wikes: 249,000,000,000

Moody: 535,000,000,000

Snape: 22,573,000,000

Dumbledore: 570,000,000,000,000,000

By lineage: (11)

Potter: 770,000,000,000,000,000,000 Galleons

Black: 993,000,000,000

Peverell: 650,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Anitoch vault: 34,000,000,000

Ignotius vault: 637,000,000,000

Gryffindor: 4,204,000,000,000,000,000,000

Pendragon: 978,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Ravenclaw: 334,000,000,000,000,000

Hufflepuff: 318,000,000,000,000,000

LeFay: 720,732,300,000,000,000,000,000,000

Magical Inheritance:


(Yeah, I may have gone overboard, but this is fiction after all.....

Plus I want my readers to picture Moriarty's and Sherlock's expressions to how she has soooooooooooo much money! I bet you can!) LOLROTF

Now, Hyacinth looked over her outfits and settled on a woman's tail coat and dress pants as she worked her magic to make breakfast.

After eating, Hyacinth decided on a stroll as she saw children being chased by a man shouting that they stole some bread

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After eating, Hyacinth decided on a stroll as she saw children being chased by a man shouting that they stole some bread.

But Hyacinth stood in his way.

Holding out enough coins for the bread.

"This should be enough, no? Now it's not stolen." Hyacinth smiled as she put the coins in his hands and left shocking him.

"Thank you miss." One boy said.

"No need. I once knew the feeling of hunger." Hyacinth said smiling sadly, surprising the two children. "Are there others like you around here?"

"Yeah, we live around the shabby areas..." The girl mumbled.

"Well, I think it's time that changed." Hyacinth smiled as she looked over at the marketplaces.

In a matter of moments, the entire marketplace was cleaned out!

Hyacinth arranged to have them taken to the shabby parts of London, and it made her smile seeing the happy sometimes crying faces of the poor as they ate something so delicious for the first time in a long time.

She looked over the rundown buildings and figured they had to be fixed once night fell. And the people need good jobs and education too.

If only she knew her actions would attract the attention of a certain group of brothers.

Especially of a certain crime consultant.

(What do u think so far? How should the Moriarty brothers find out about Hyacinth and how they should meet her? I need the perspectives of the brothers to have them interact with her.)

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