06: I made a song for you, Hyung

Start from the beginning

God, I'm falling deeper than I expected.

I am certain that he is more than just a brother to me and had only just realized how my heart yearns for the man that I am beginning to love beyond life itself.

Yoongi Hyung is special to me, the person I'm falling for, and I am not doing anything to stop my heart from drowning in the ocean of one named Min Yoongi.

Slowly but surely, you're carving your own place in my heart.

When did I finally admit to myself that the feeling that I have in my heart whenever I think of him is more than friendship?

It was on that day.

The sun had already set hours ago, and everyone else had left the building except for me, who is still holed up in my studio busy finishing the new songs that I had started many weeks ago. Compared to the songs that we're going to add into our new album and the songs that we're making with other artists as collaborations, these new songs I am trying to finish as quickly as I can are for personal use only, and I have no plans on releasing it to the public.

Thinking about all of the songs that I made that I am not planning on releasing anytime soon, just the thought alone makes me utter a bitter chuckle because I made secret songs more than songs for the group. The difference may be counted within ten fingers of a person, but I still find it ironic somehow. The fact that I prioritized making all of these songs for one person instead of making more songs for the group baffles me.

I let out a loud sigh as I continued to stare at the bright screen in front of me and raised my arms to stretch them for a bit before a yawn escaped from my mouth. I have been here for hours, but I still don't have any plans of going home yet.

Are my members asleep yet? They probably are. I hope they ate a lot for dinner tonight.

Just as I was about to go back to my original position to finish the song I was making, a knock on the door interrupted me, and as soon as I turned my head around, I heard a very familiar voice call my name from the door, "Joon-ah?"

"Yoongi Hyung," The name slips out of my lips as the said man stands there by the door with a calm expression on his face. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in the dorm asleep with the others?"

He rolls his eyes in response and walks inside the studio before closing the door behind him; this time, his lips turned into a pout, "I should be the one asking you that, Kim Namjoon. You've been overworking yourself again. You missed dinner, and now you're still working even though you should be sleeping right now."

There was a short silence between us, and I tried to avoid Yoongi Hyung's gaze by looking away while Yoongi Hyung crossed his arms against his chest; I could feel him looking at me and to the bright screens behind me which are proof that I was indeed working. Yoongi Hyung was about to say something about me overworking and coming home late, but I already spoke before he could even do that.

"I made a song for you, Hyung."

Looking up to see his reaction, I was a bit surprised at the expression on his face, and for the first few minutes, he didn't say anything but then, he let out a small sigh before walking towards me and taking a stool from under the table to sit right next to me, "Alright, let's hear it."

My eyes immediately widened, and I quickly turned around to look for the perfect song to show him, but there were many songs under one folder, so I had a bit of a hard time. After a few moments, I finally found the perfect piece to make him listen to, and I just hope that I will not regret what I am about to do.

Finally, the song began, and while Yoongi Hyung's eyes were on the screen, mine was focused on him, staring at his face to see the expressions he would make while listening to the song. The melody and beats finally arrived, with my voice echoing across the four walls of the room. The song that I had chosen was a special one, and I just hope Yoongi Hyung will also understand the message behind the song, from melody, the beats, and the lyrics. I really hope that he appreciates it, especially since this style of music is entirely new compared to my original style.

As the song finally finished playing, the room once again had fallen into silence.

"I'm falling for you."

Immediately, Yoongi Hyung's head turned to look at me with a shocked expression on his face, "What?"

Realizing what I had said, I gulped and looked down at my hands before secretly glancing back at him, my face turning red and my heart beating quickly as I spoke, "That's ⸺ uh, that's the title for the song that I made for you."

"Joon..." My name slowly rolled out of his tongue, and it was music to my ears.

I raised my head to look at him properly, and instead of saying anything else, I smiled at him. In my mind, I was already making a new song for him.

For the words that I turn into lyrics, form a song under your name. I will keep making songs for you and make songs with you until I utter my last word in this lifetime.

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