Flint Shade

45 6 19

This OC belongs to Miskapup

Name┃ Flint Shade

5/5, although make sure to specify your worldbuilding rules lest half of your comments be "corrections" lol. Flint- is a lovely prefix, and not one you see a lot- even less so in mollies! Shade- is one of my favourite suffixes as well, so this works. I'd imagine her prefix comes from her coat colour, although I can't see where -Shade comes from. 

(Edit: Nevermind, read your backstory and it works! Lovely name <3)

Rank┃ Soldier

Oh, a unique role, nice!

Sexuality┃ polyamorous

Gender┃ cisgender female/molly

Age┃ 30 moons/2.5 years

All of the above work! The translation for her age would mean she's the equivalent of a 27 year old human.

Clan┃ the Murder Of Crows. A group of mostly black or dark colored cats that live in a mostly open field, with a few patches of forest sprinkled about. 

Sort of like this, minus the human development? I love the addition of the typical coat colours, by the way! For some reason I'm imagining a tribe of Bombay cats.

Clan Info┃ They call kittens Chicks, apprentices are called Fledglings, Soldiers do all the fighting, Stalkers are cats who hunt smaller prey like mice and voles, and guides are mentors

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Clan Info┃ They call kittens Chicks, apprentices are called Fledglings, Soldiers do all the fighting, Stalkers are cats who hunt smaller prey like mice and voles, and guides are mentors. The groups have the long name (Murder Of Crows) but are usually called by the bird name (Crows), so writing crow with a small c means the actual bird and writing Crow with a big C means a cat from the Crows, got it?

Love the originality! Yup, I've got it. You'll have to write a worldbuilding chapter, though, for this story. Of course, you could introduce it through Flint's eyes, but that would be rather difficult (but it can be rewarding!)

I love the idea of chicks. Where did the 'Crow' bit come from in their history? Do they have leaders, deputies, and medicine cats?

Description┃ A very light gray molly with a black head and neck, with a black patch on her chest, a black tail, and black paws. She has silky and soft fur, which is medium-long. She is somewhat bulky and stocky, but still tall and agile as the Crows are. Her eyes are green, with a slight golden hue. She has a scarred back paw from a fight with the Study Of Owls. Her voice is tilting and she smells like dirt, under her Crow scent.

13/15 The only way she could have a black head is if she was colorpoint, which would mean she would have to be Siamese, Balinese or a Colorpoint Shorthair. I love her eye colour! You could make her have central heterochromia. (Something one of my friends has in real life.) That would mean that she has green eyes with a golden center, it's lovely. 

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