Chapter 3: stop right there, criminal scum!

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"Let me go motherfucker!"

"Who knows Bakugo, maybe this guy likes you! You should go meet him someday, see if you can talk. Via Yao-Momo of course."

"Hell no! I've enough idiots to contend with, I don't need another. Besides, how exactly am I meant to get to know him if there's someone else sat there as well?!"

"You saying your interested, Bakugo~?"

"It was a hypothetical, Pinky!"

"I dunno dude, that sounded kiiiiinda gay to me..."

"Shut the fuck up Kaminari! You have a motherfucking boyfriend!"

"He is NOT. MY. BOYFRIEND! I've told you guys this so many times!"

"...he kinda is though bro, you've got him saved in your phone as 'Toshi' with a kiss!" Shit Hair piped in, to Kaminari's dejected sigh.

"...we're close friends"

"Close friends who wear each other's hoodies~?" Mina teased, grabbing the tassels of the hoodie Kaminari was wearing.

"Stop! He's just my frieeeeend!" He jerked away, his face now the red one, and then an unexpected voice dealt him the final blow.

"...the condoms in your bedroom say it all, Kami" chimed Sero, his quiet roommate. We all looked a little shell shocked, then it sunk it what he'd said. By the time we realised though, the idiot had vanished, queuing Pinky and Shit Hair to dash out of the lunch hall after him. Sero waved a quiet goodbye, leaving me to ponder my own thoughts. Why would a deaf boy have interest in me? Why the name sign, why the attention, why the curiosity?

Why...why do I wanna get to know him?

Shoto Todoroki

After the pink haired girl had left, Momo had begun bombarding me with questions, signing almost too quickly for me to keep up.

"Why do you wanna know? Why bomb? Why not any other person? Did you like Mina?"

"Stop! I'll answer, just stop!" I harshly signed, a slight grin on my face showing her I wasn't being serious. She rolled her eyes and gestured for me to go, and so I started, taking my time with the signs.

"I wanted to know about him because I always see him talking to his friends with an angry look, and I always wonder what makes him angry, so I thought I'd try learn a few things about him while I'm at it"

"I guess that makes did you like her?"

"Yeah, she seemed ok. I still want Kyoka around more though" I signed, using the sign for "guitar" to represent Kyoka. That was up there with my better ideas, and bomb seemed to already be fitting for this Bakugo person. He intrigued me to no end, and my inexplicable desire to understand his anger seemed to intensify rather than fade.

The rest of lunch was rather uneventful, and class was soon done for the day. Given my special circumstances, I'd been allowed to share a room with Momo, since the school wasn't aware of anyone else who I could communicate with. Usually this wouldn't be allowed, but it made no matter to either of us anyway. Momo has the hots for a punk girl, and I was as straight as a country road, which left us absolutely zero difficult in this department.

It was lucky for us that we'd totally hit it off, albeit in silence. We spent most of our time together, watching movies with the subtitles on or her playing music through her phone, which would lie flat on my chest, the vibrations of the melody resonating with me. Occasionally she'd sing, mostly when Kyoka was here, and let me lean against her as she did, giving me the illusion of audible rhythm for a short while.

It was also particularly nice having Momo around for her sense of humour. She'd pranked me a couple of weeks back by buying me a Charlie Chaplin silent movie, something I'd sworn revenge for. Thus, I'd bought her a dress she'd swooned over once on an impulse shopping trip to "cope with her lesbianism." The catch? I'd bought her the xxxl version, so it was waaaaaay too big for her. I'd almost felt bad, but still had the courage to sign "might be the right cup size though~", before retreating into the safety of my bedroom, where I pondered the events of the day.

Quite why I'd taken such an interest in that Bakugo person was as yet unknown, but it didn't so much bother me. And I still had the unshakeable desire to learn more about him, find out as much as I possibly could about the allegedly foul-tempered blond.

I just couldn't get him off my mind

I'm trying to write slightly longer chapters again, since I've a feeling this could turn into a pretty long fic.

Fact of the Day: MomoJirou is just that ship that always feels good to write about, at least for me. I'm not gonna do a whole fic, but think of this as a subplot

Your voice feels beautiful ~TodoBaku~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang