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~ A Month Later ~

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~ A Month Later ~

If anybody would've asked me almost half and a month ago if I listen to love songs, I would've laughed it off or probably ignored it with a sarcastic remark.

However, fast-forward to the present and a very new me... I think I have started to like them now. I mean, I have started to listening to them again with a new perspective. I hated them because of my bad experience in love. But what I was neglecting all this time was my love for me. Why can't we listen to them for ourselves, simply because we love them? Why does there have to be a person behind listening to those songs? I know most of the time there is a lover, a crush, the future partner you haven't seen or know, and maybe even a celebrity.

I happen to listen to these love songs for me, yes. But I tend to do this because I feel that unknowingly they give you hope. I'm not saying that if you're heartbroken, then you must live with that and not love again. Truth be told, I have been going through some changes in my heart, mind, and soul that are scaring me. So, the thing is this is what I have been telling myself lately.

If you can't keep yourself from listening to the love melodies, then listen to them for yourself.

I was driving back home from PRIZM, taking a half-day leave as per Daisy's strict orders. She literally scolded me in front of everyone for not taking as much rest as I should. I know I have been working more than the required office hours, but so have others at some point. I had a few pending things to do and so I didn't mind doing what I love; writing. However, since all voted for me to take the half-day off, I had to agree.

With a smile on my face, I was listening to the song that I caught Wade shaking his leg to quite funnily today; Nervous by Shawn Mendes. I was the first one to reach the office this morning, or so I thought because apparently, Wade was already there. He was so embarrassed when he heard my laugh as I wasn't able to hold it in for long. He was in fact chuckling nervously himself.

Smiling suits him so much, he has nil idea to that.

During this last month, I have come to realize a lot many things such as taking care of myself, celebrating little things in life, spending as much time with mom as possible, try learning things that I have always wanted to (baking, skateboarding with Cara's help), etc. But most importantly, I have come to learn that you need to stop chasing, stop running after things. What's meant for you will come to you with minimum effort. Just like how I got the job offer from Wade. I wasn't even thinking of it as my focus was on my father's return and quite a messed-up work life. However, my present has changed drastically within the span of a month. A positive environment and peace-minded people can affect you and your life to this extend, I'm living proof of that.

I won't lie but the first week at PRIZM was a bit stressful for me as I had to cover up all the incomplete tasks that were left by their previous writer in time. They were important and a must to get done with firsthand because they were all related to the PRIZM's Pride event for next month. Looks like not every person thinks like me. People just leave their work pending for the next person, not at all being obligated. Apart from that, who in their right minds would leave such a great job with a helpful team like family? Oh, yes. Those are the people not in their right minds.

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