Elegant Friends ( Epsd 6)

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It was a bright summer day in the forrest unlike the ones before it. In fact today was the first clear day in over a week. Abyca strolled through it picking berries for her table while Miceala sat in the cottage fumbleling through old clothes. One nasty old dress of Abyca's stood out amoung the rest. Abyca heard some rustling in the bushes in front of her. Suddenly a little girl the same age as her popped out of the bush. Shocked, Abyca did not say a word.

"Hi there! Where did you come from?" said the little girl. She was finely dressed in satins and laces all over her beautiful dress. It was a light pink color of which Abyca had never seen before. Abyca could not take her eyes off it but she managed to speak.

"I'm Abyca and I live here. Where did you get that dress?"

"Oh you like it? My nanny made it for me.Oh where are my manners. My name is Neera. Perhaps you could help us. My father, sister and I have gotten our caravan stuck in a large mud puddle. Perhaps if you helped us push we could get it out." Said Neera

"Sure thing. I can help. So what brings you to these parts?" said Abyca as they walked towards the stalled caravan.

"Oh my father is the new Duke of these lands and we are on our way to his new estate." Said Neera.

Abyca thought about it for a while as they pushed the back of the caravan. That made Neera a Duchess. It all started to make sense. That is why she has a nanny and such pretty clothes. They pushed and pushed but despite their efforts they were not making any headway. The caravan was stuck. Finally they gave up and sat on the back.

" Well it is obvious you will not be going anywhere for a while. Why dont you all come have a meal at my place.  Then we can get my big sister to help. Maybe then we can get your caravan free." suggested Abyca. They all nodded in agreement and folowed Abyca up the hill through the forrest and back to the cottage.

After eating they headed back down to the caravan with Miceala. All five of them pushed and suddenly the caravan began to budge. Neera's little sister Lilly who was only five years of age and shorter than the rest slipped and fell face first into the mud puddle when they gave the final push to get the caravan moving. Lilly got back up laughing.

"It was worth it." she said.

They moved the caravan from the puddle and backup onto the road. The horses nieghed happily. Neera's father grabbed Lilly and asked if she could get cleaned up before they left. Miceala and Abyca both nodded and Miceala took Lilly and the Duke back to the cottage.

"So how much further is your estate Neera?" Abyca asked.

"Not much further. Father says it i just outside this forrest. He says we will be able to see our new home through the trees. Maybe Lilly and I will visit you sometimes!"

"That would be great! Do not wait too long before you visit!"

Just then Lilly and the duke returned. Lilly was wearing a raggedy old dress and  the Duke held a cloth sack filled with her old muddy clothes. The Duke loaded little Lilly into the back and Neera climbed up and sat on the back ledge beside her. They faced out the back and waved at Abyca and Miceala as she approached from the top of the hill. The Duke sat up front and whipped the Horses lightly. The caravan began to move.  Abyca, Neera, Miceala,and Lilly all waived at eachother as the caravan pulled away.

"Thank you again!" said Neera and she continued to waive goodbye until she could no longer she Abyca and her sister.

"Hey Abyca I gave that little girl your old dress." said Miceala as he turned to head back to the cottage.

"Yeah I know. I recognized it" replied Abyca uncaringly. Abyca headed back with Miceala to the cottage giggling at the thought that a Duchess was now wearing that nasty old dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2012 ⏰

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