Dull Empty (Epsd 5)

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It was the beginings of yet another dreary day at the cottage farm. It looked as though the weather would tease Abyca with the offer of rain as it did the day before.  The clouds rumbled lightly in the sky above her as she went to feed the chickens.

" Oh I'm calling your bluff this time!" Abyca said loudly as she shook her fist at the sky and went about her business. She had been hoping for rain the past three days ... four if you count the one when she noticed the clouds moving in. Abyca had been growing her own small garden beside the cottage and the trip down to the lake in the clearing was getting tiresome. She especially hated the trip back up the hill from the lake. It is much harder going uphill let alone the weight the pales of water added to her back. 

Abyca sat at the edge of the coup thinking about what else she could do to get the rain to come. She had already tried dancing. She had also tried singing and clapping and sticking her tongue out at the clouds. After a while Abyca decided that there was nothing more she could do. She then proceeded to feed the horse and the pigs. Mama pig and  Cali were growing pretty nice. Cali had gotten really fat over the past couple of weeks. She has even gotten bigger than Mama pig. Cali looked at her food and stuck up her snout. After that she turned around and walked away.

" Sorry Cali, till my garden gets going that's all we got."  Abyca said shaking her head and she took her feed sack and bucket back into the shed. Then Abyca went to check on her garden. She had tiny sprouts popping over half of it . The other half did not look so good. She looked in sheer shock at the horror which had come in view.  The potatoes and carrots and lettuce that had been there just the day before had been uprouted. Not only had it been torn from the ground but it had been nibbled to shreds. Not one spud did Abyca find, just giant gaping holes where her garden should have been. Abyca walked back inside and sat on the floor to sulk.

"Why so gloomy little sister?" Miceala inquired.

"I have a rather grim tale to tell you sister. A tale of fiends most sinister who ly in wait  and seek cover of nightfall to do dastardly things. These beasts ravage the lands taking their fill and leaving little or nothing behind." Abyca cried.

" Thieves? Oh no! Where did you see them? Are they close by?" Miceala freaked out.

"No not thieves! Animals. Maybe some rabbits or squrrils or birds even." replied Abyca grumpily

"Abyca what are you talking about?"

"They ate my garden. The animals..... they ate my garden." Abyca whined sadly.

"Abyca I see at least half of it out there spudding. Maybe you should cut your losses. Perhaps you should better fortify what remains and remember this fr next time you plant a garden. Sow only what you can protect." advised Miceala..

Abyca went to the forrest and began to gather sticks and logs and rocks and bring them over by her garden. There she began building a sort of fence around the garden with the rocks , logs, and sticks. This was a rather gruelsome task. When she was finished Abyca looked at her work with pride and marched right back into the cottage with her head held high. The she sat down on the window sill and twiddled her thumbs for a while.

" Now what do I do? All my chores are done and I fixed the garden so now I dont have anything to do.I cant play outside because of all the mud. All work and no play makes today a dull day." Abyca Whined

"Well I do not know but sitting around and whining to me about it is not going to help." said Miceala angrily. Then Abyca heard it. The voice.

"You hear that? She's singing again! Perhaps it will ot be a dull day after all ! " giggled Abyca as she ran off into the forest.

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