New Journey Ch.2

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Wow was the only word that could describe what you saw. The massive size and amazing architecture amazed you.

Girl1: Eh? Who's he?

Girl2: I dont know but he looks cute~

You blush at the last comment albeit a little but still blushing

Boy1: Oi, who's this guy

Boy2: Don't know but he is stealing all the ladies!

You payed them no mind and noted that this school year would be a experience. You sighed to yourself as you bump into someone


???: Hey!

You look down to see someone with brown hair talking to you.

Y/n: Oh my bad, something was on my mind

???: Yeah its fine dude, the name's Issei

Y/n: My name is Y/n

Issei: Don't think Ive seen you before, are you knew or something?

Y/n: Yeah Im trying to find the council room

Issei: Oh then I can show you where it is

Y/n: Thanks

*Issei POV*

'Ive never seen him no wonder he is new'

I thought before glancing at Y/n

Issei: So why did you come to this school anyway

Y/n: Oh because it is rather near my house

Issei: Got it, thought it was something dirtier

Y/n: Dirtier?

Issei:N-nvm, anyway here is the council room

Y/n: Thanks dude, appreciate it

Issei: Don't mention it, later!

I wave and walked away and suddenly Ddraig speaks to me

Ddraig: Issei be very careful around him, I sense immense potential energy from him

Issei: Huh? Is he a devil?

Ddraig: No purely human

'Well better report this to Prez'

I look back a last time to the student council room and leave to continue my day

*Your POV*

I wave Issei off then went inside the council room, suprisingly you saw two beautiful girls, the one with short hair and glasses approached you

???: I assume your the new student?

You quickly brush off the forming blush and reply as formally as you can

Y/n: Yes, Im the new student

???: Ah, I see Y/n right? My name is Sona Situri

Y/n: Well my name is Y/n, but I guess you already know that

She chuckles then she signals you to sitdown

Sona: It says you were homeschooled until just recently correct

You nod in response and she continues

She continues and her eyes opened slightly

Sona: Are you Y/n Megami?

You cringe as soon as you heard your last name and fired a question as soon a she stopped talking

Y/n: That info is not supposed to be there

You say until you remembered that your uncle must have accidentally wrote it

Y/n: Crap, please keep this between us

She nods and you sigh in relief

Sona: Well everything is cleared up, you will recieve your schedule momentarilly

You nod and the other girl with longer hair gave you a piece of paper

???: Here you go

Y/n: Thanks well I should be leaving, thanks for the help

Sona: Its fine goodluck

You nod and left the room

*Sona POV*

As Y/n leaves Tsubaki asks me

Tsubaki: Did you sense that?

Sona: So you noticed too huh?

Tsubaki: That kind of mana and energy cannot possibly belong to a pure human

Sona: Yeah your right

I stare at Y/n walking down the halls

'Just who are you'

She narrows her eyes

*Y/n POV*

As you left the council room you couldnt help but try and familiarize your schedule and once done you went to your classroom

You arrive at your classroom and see the teacher and noticed you and gathered the students attention

Teacher: Students we will have a new student with us today so please be quiet

Girls: I hope its a cute boy~

Boys: I hope its a hot babe

You inhale and enter the room and the bickering stops as you introduce yourself

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n, um its been a long time since Ive been to actual school so please take care of me

As soon as you finish the girls immediately scream

Girl1: Oh My God he is so cute!

Girl2: I wonder if he is single~

Boy1: Tch another pretty boy

Boy2: As if we need another Kiba

Teacher: Calm down! Now you can ask Y/n some questions

You nod and signalling that you can ask now

Girl2: Are you single?

Y/n: Yeah

Girl2: Yes!

Girl1: Why did you come to this school?

Y/n: Because its covenient from where I live, thats it

Teacher: Ok thats enough, lets see.... Y/n sit next to Issei

The girls suddenly scream

Girl3: Don't he will corrupt him

Girl1: Yeah!

You just walk to Issei and sat next to him

Y/n: Sup dude

Issei: Yo

Girls: NOOOO!

(Author note)
I have made my mha and darling in the franxx are on hold because I find dxd more better

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