Shuichi's Perspective

Start from the beginning

Dear ᦓꪖ꠸ꫝꪖ᥅ꪖ-ᥴꫝꪖꪀ,

   I don't know how to confess my feelings to you without sounding like a lie. Maybe it's just a habit of mine. So instead of telling you face to face, I wrote you a letter. Shuichi Saihara, I am deeply in love with you.

The way you smile brights my world, the laughter that escaped from your mouth it's like music to my ears, those gorgeous golden eyes of yours that I could stare at forever and still never get bored of it. Every time, you are around, I got butterflies in my stomach and a blush make its way to my cheeks as I try to hide it. Everything about you intrigued me.

All I want to ask is how...? How did you able to steal my broken heart that I kept hidden away from everybody else? I am supposed to steal YOUR heart, not the other way around. I tried so hard to push you out of my mind and yet somehow you manage to get into my trail of thoughts. I try to deny my love for you but eventually, I have up and accept the fact I have fallen for you.

Never have I thought that I would fall in love with you, my supposed enemy. It hurts me when you started to ignore me and avoid me like I'm a deadly plague. So, I poured my heart into this letter. This is not a lie. This is the truth. I hope you feel the same as well, Mr Detective.

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"Puhuhu, what's this? The leader in love with the detective? I couldn't begin to imagine the look on the once prideful leader when he was killed by his high school crush!", Monokuma beamed. "W-what...", Shuichi whispered in a shaky tone. Kokichi loved him...? So, all this time, the leader isn't toying him, playing his feelings? "Wow, never have I thought about Kokichi being cheesy, am I right?", Monokuma joked but no one laugh nor say anything about it. Monokuma huffed and threw the letter to Shuichi. "Here, take this piece of garbage."

"Now, that's settle. IT'S PUNISHMENT TIME!", Monokuma yelled as a big, red button appeared in front of him. Monokuma grabbed a big gavel and slammed it to the button as if he declare a choice. A metal wrapped around Shuichi's neck, pulling him to his death as his best friend, Kaito tried to grab Shuichi's hand. Shuichi was placed in a dark room. Then, suddenly, the candles lit up. The room is a crime scene. Four dead bodies, a few drops of blood, a bloody knife and a gun laying on the floor and a computer that was left open. Shards of glass were on the bed and scratch marks on the floor. A screen lights up in front of the remaining survivor.

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Ultimate Detective
Shuichi Saihara's execution: Executed

Shuichi didn't do anything and just standing there. He didn't even bother to at least fight for his life. He accepts the truth that no one will ever get away with their execution. But then, a gentle voice whispered in his ears. "Shuichi... Don't give up just yet! You gotta fight!" He recognised that sweet angelic voice. Kaede Akamatsu, his friend that died because of killing Rantaro Amami. "Are you going to give up now? The others need you. Maki and Kaito still need you. You still have to fulfil my promise to not let my death go in vain. Please Shuichi...", the voice begins to fade.

She's right. He still has a promise to fulfil. For everyone who died in this hellhole. For Kaede. And... For Kokichi Ouma. He went to investigate the body but as he stepped on the wooden floor, he accidentally stepped on a trap that triggers an arrow to shoot him on his shoulder. Shuichi screamed in pain as he pulled out the arrow and throw it aside. He continues to investigate the body, looking out of any traps. He stepped into a trap again and this time a shot put hit his head. He went investigating the bed but there's spiky vines on the floor.

Shuichi, who walked barefoot all this time, sighed and stepped on the spiky vines. Tears streaming down his cheeks as the pain became unbearable. Nevertheless, he continues. After investigating the crime scene and get injured in the process, he finally concluded the investigation. He went to the computer, limping to submit his answer. As Shuichi type in his answer, he was electrocuted by the electric shock on the keyboard but not too much that it kills him.

Shuichi let out a blood-curdling scream. After about a minute, the electric shock was gone and Shuichi was now on the floor, trembling. With his shaking hands, he types in the answer as quickly as possible. He clicked the 'Enter' button and the door on the back then opened. He limped towards the door with a hopeful smile. But as he went in, the door was quickly closed and a big boulder rolling down to him.

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