Chapter 26

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The trials went better than expected. Unable to pin anything on Doc, he went free. Nicole was given five months. Bobo was convicted of a multitude of crimes. His weakness, a woman thief who had screwed with his group. With his mind.

Nicole's sentence was extremely lenient, given all the crimes she committed. Dolls had been instrumental in her sentencing. That, and the return of several key pieces of artwork in her collection, along with confiscation of properties she chose to reveal in her possession.

Waverly visited at every opportunity. It was hard seeing Nicole locked up, but she knew it was for a much shorter period than either hoped. She would soon be out.

Waverly was waiting in the visiting room. "Three more weeks and we can put all of this behind us."

"Waves, I'm desperate for you. Showering is interesting here. It's like a buffet."

"Don't you dare sample any of it, Nicole Haught! I'm the only person on the menu from now on."

"Oh, God. Waves, I'm now thinking about you on a table. I'm not going to last three weeks."

"Babes, it's not that long. Trust me, you'll have plenty to eat when you get out."

"Waves. Stop. I'm so turned on right now. Is it wrong I keep thinking about you in handcuffs?"

"Very. I'll get a pair."

Nicole could no longer steal for a living. Her profile was too well-known in galleries and museums around the world. She only had one choice. It was easy. Go straight. The irony. Helping investigators with unsolved art crimes. Who would have thought?

Yet, here they were. Nicole and Waverly embarking on a life together that would mean neither were bored. Nicole soon realised working with Waverly was the zenith of her career.

The climax.

She taught her everything. Waverly was a quick learner, relishing her new job. She still took time to sunbathe. Nicole applying sun cream to her back. Would this girl ever wear a bikini top?

She hoped not.

Nicole remained friends with Dolls. He had been really good to her. He came to know a side of Nicole few got to see. The loving kid who wanted to make people proud of her. To love her.

The one place she wouldn't relinquish was Venice. Waverly stood on the balcony, the water of the Grand Canal lapping against the brickwork. Her old life a distance memory. Her new life with Nicole here now. They were in love. They had each other.

Nicole agreed Wynonna could visit. She arrived in a fluster at Marco Polo Airport. Waverly was there to greet her. They hugged. They cried. Waverly asked Wynonna not to be freaked out with Nicole's place.

"It's got a dungeon? Tell me she's into kinky."

"You'll see."

Wynonna's mouth fell open the moment she stepped off the water taxi. Nicole was there to greet them.

"Fuck me, Nicole. They say crime doesn't pay. It fucking does. Look at this place."

They decided not to show Wynonna the underground art chamber on her first visit. Or, any visit for that matter. Information overload. Wynonna was more than impressed with the upper part of the house.

Doc was invited to their first evening meal together. The four got on surprisingly well considering. Both Nicole and Waverly noticed Doc's interest in Wynonna. Wynonna was oblivious, of course. Nicole winked at Waverly, knowing her next mission would be to get Doc to steal Wynonna's heart. She could see them together. It would give him the reason he needed to settle down.

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