Chapter 21

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Nicole was escorted from the holding facility to a waiting squad car. The journey to the airport was the best she had ever taken. She gazed out on New York. In previous taxi rides to the airport the night skyline had been of little significance. Tonight, it looked magical.

The night flight to London was equally magical. The woman sitting next to her asked why she was so happy. Nicole told her she was going to meet her partner. The woman smiled.

"That's lovely. He's a very lucky guy."

"She," Nicole corrected, returning to the article she was reading in the In Flight magazine.

Dolls was several seats back. He trusted Nicole to behave herself.

Waverly had been informed of Nicole's arrival. She was beside herself. She was staying with Wynonna until everything was sorted out. She had met with Champ. Apologised repeatedly for what she had done. He was still confused. He couldn't get his head around why she had done what she had done. He was annoyed she hadn't told him sooner. He had cleared out her things from his apartment after Wynonna explained the situation to him. Waverly understood. She had cheated on him. She wished him well. Knew in her heart he would find someone who cared as much for him as she now cared for Nicole.

Wynonna went with Waverly to the facility where Nicole was being held. She waited several hours before being allowed into the visitor area. It was cold, clinical, austere. None of that matter. They would be seeing each other after days apart.

Waverly couldn't hold back the tears as she saw Nicole enter. They were together again. Waverly wanted to touch her so badly. A glass screen kept them apart.

"Hey babes."

Nicole looked ecstatic to see her, but exhausted.

"Hey. My angel. You OK? Waves, I'm so sorry I got you into this."

"Nicole. It's OK. I'm still here. Babes, I love you. I'm not going anywhere."

Nicole couldn't hold back any longer. Everything she had gone through. Every emotion bottled until now. The damn burst. Waverly saw her lover's heart break before her, unable to hold her, as a mother would. She only had words to console.

"Nicole. My love. I'm here to stay. I'm not abandoning you. OK"

Waverly was crying. Too much pent up emotion to hold back.

"This is so fucked up. Waverly, I can't ask this of you."

"Nicole. You don't have to ask. I already said yes to everything you do. Just promise me one thing...don't ever steal the Crown Jewels from The Tower of London. OK."

The tension broke. Nicole loved this girl with all her heart. She would happily steal the Crown Jewels for her if that's what she wanted.

Doc was sitting in the interview room. He needed to keep a cool head for what was about to happen. Dolls entered. He looked at Doc, returning his gaze to the notes in his folder.

Pulling out a chair he sat opposite. The dance had begun.

"I'm impressed. No profile. No priors we could find. You're invisible."

"Why, thank you."

"Can you explain to me why you have one of the most ruthless Russian art gangs after you? And, why you're willing to turn yourself in."

Doc sensed this guy knew more than he was prepared to reveal. "Needs must."

"I have your thief. She's done a couple of jobs for me. She's very good. You must be proud."

Doc was silent. Nicole was working for this guy. Who can you trust?

"She didn't want to. We gave her no option. She's very taken with Waverly Earp. I would say it's her only weakness."

Doc realised how Nicole had been trapped. Her heart. He had known Nicole for a long time. She was almost a daughter to him. She would not, could not make a slip for fear her father would be disappointed. Now she had Waverly, her heart had been captured.

Dolls continued. "There may be a way of using Nicole to take out this gang."

He sat in silence, contemplating the new world he now found himself in. A new life was calling. The same new life calling to Nicole. He knew this was the way forward.

"I'll work with you, on one condition."

"Name it."

"You keep Nicole safe. I won't do anything for you without that being honoured."

Dolls wanted to shake Doc's hand. The few times Dolls had worked with Nicole he understood what Doc was asking. Her skills were exceptional. It was more than that. She needed their protection. She deserved their protection. She was valuable. Precious. Waverly realised this.

Dolls had been pursuing the Russian gang after Doc for some time. His work was hard enough. With this gang stepping up their activities each year, he was fighting an even harder battle. Dolls couldn't believe his luck when he caught Nicole. She would be useful for an operation he now had in mind. To have Doc too. Even better.

The leader of the gang was a particularly nasty individual. No one crossed him if they wanted to live. His name: Bobby Lebed, but everyone knew him as Bobo. A cute nickname for someone who could calmly watch a man die without blinking.

Doc was interested. If Bobby, Bobo was out of the picture, his gang disbanded, it would certainly help him out of his own sticky situation. Doc was nothing if not self-serving. He needed to know, however, what Dolls had in mind before committing himself.

Dolls knew there was little he could do to stop the gang taking what they wanted. They were not discreet in their actions, believing themselves to be above the law. If this meant entering a museum or gallery brandishing a gun so be it. Life was cheap to them. There was one thing Dolls now realised had fallen into his lap that was to his advantage.

He would get Nicole to leave her calling card.

Doc sat looking at Dolls. Was he fucking serious? Also, what in hell's name would leaving a calling card do that a few bullets to Bobo's head couldn't.

"I want to get inside his mind. I want to screw with him. Make him think he's got serious competition. That's where you come in."

"Pray, do tell."

"I want you to put the word out there's a new thief on the scene. We draw Bobo out. A sting operation."

Doc shook his head. "Bobo isn't stupid. He'll realise he's being set up. Is there no other way?"

"Trust me. I've studied this guy. He's arrogant enough to consider himself invincible. He'll take the bait if we set this up correctly."

"As long as Nicole is safe. That's my deal."

Dolls held out his hand. "Deal."

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