The chase was on.

Waverly lay in bed gazing up at the exquisite painted ceiling in Nicole's bedroom. Nicole entered with a tray. She could smell the freshly brewed coffee.

"What do you fancy doing today?"

"This. Mostly this."

Nicole smiled.

"I need to call Wynonna. Tell her I'm OK. Can I use your phone?"

"Sure. Be my guest."

She was about to hand it to Waverly when a message flashed up from Doc.

Doc: Where the fuck r u?

Nicole: Venice. I have a problem. Can u come?

Doc: How big a problem?

Nicole: VERY...

Doc arrived that evening. He stormed into the main room, stopping abruptly when he saw Waverly.

"What the hell is she doing here? Is this your big problem?"

"No. I've been exposed. I think someone is onto me. A guy outside the apartment. Could be police. Not sure."

"Why did you bring your neighbour here, with all this going on? Honestly Nicole, did your father teach you nothing?"

Waverly looked at Doc, then at Nicole, who had her head down. "Guys, I'm in the room with you. I can hear everything."

"You need to go to New York. I'll get you a flight."

"Both of us, or I'm not going."

"Nicole, you need to disappear for a few months. It's too dangerous for Waverly to be with you right now. I can get her back to England. You need to go on your own."

"I'm not going unless Waverly goes with me."

Doc growled. He sat in silence, considering the options.

"OK. But, if anything happens don't say I didn't warn you."

It was an anxious flight. They made it out of Italy, all they needed to do was get to New York and go to Nicole's flat. They would be safe there until Doc found them a place off police radar.

They stood waiting in line to have their passports inspected. Waverly went through first. Then Nicole. The officer looked at Nicole, then her photo, handing the passport back to her.

They were clear. They walked towards the exit wheeling their suitcases, Nicole looking for the taxi rank. A guy approached them, putting his hand around Nicole's arm. She looked at him momentarily, confused by the action. She realised what was happening. Another guy had Waverly by the arm.

She looked terrified.

"Waves. It's OK. It's fine."

It wasn't fine.

They were escorted out of the airport into a waiting police van. Both sat quietly, looking at each other as the van made its journey through New York.

Dolls was on his way.

Nicole sat in the interview room. Her head lowered. She knew she was in trouble. She was about to find out how much. Dolls entered the room. He had a folder with him. He proceeded to lay out photo after photo of stolen artefacts. Nicole recognised all of them. She looked at Dolls realising she was well and truly screwed. She had tears in her eyes. She knew she couldn't get out of this. She knew she would go to prison. She knew it would be the end for her and Waverly.

Dolls sat quietly observing Nicole. He had her right where he wanted.

"We have security footage of you near most of these pieces. You're looking at a minimum thirty year jail sentence. Parole in fifteen years, if you're lucky."

Nicole couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"The woman you're with will probably have to serve time as well, as an accomplice."

"No. She isn't involved. It's all me. She had nothing to do with any of this."

"I'd like to believe you. But, she was with you at Tate Modern."

Nicole realised the mistake she made, stealing The Picasso. How could she have been so stupid? And now, Waverly was caught up in all this madness. What had she done?

"Please. I'll give you whatever information you need. Please don't involve Waverly."

Dolls sat quietly listening to Nicole. This was exactly what he wanted to hear. He had power over her through Waverly. He knew without this kind of leverage, Nicole would probably tell him some contrived story, never revealing where the stolen items were, who she worked with.

"If, hypothetically, I was to overlook Waverly's part I would need you to do something for me."

"Anything. Name it."

Dolls looked directly at Nicole. "I need you to work for me."

Nicole wasn't expecting this request. Dolls registered the look of shock on her face.

"I...I can't."

Dolls stood up. "I'll give you one hour to decide. If your answer is still no, I'll have no option but to start processing Waverly."

He turned to leave, pausing at the door. "She's really upset right now. Nicole, she will go to prison for you. Does she deserve that?"

The door closed behind Dolls. A cold sweat broke out over Nicole's body. She put her head in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. Dolls watched from the next room, the one way mirror allowing him to view Nicole without her knowing. He could see she was wracked with guilt, afraid for her lover.

Enough time, enough pressure she would change her mind.

Dolls had figured out he was never going to get anywhere simply catching the odd thief like Nicole. Recovering only a few pieces. He needed someone who could steal artworks back at his request.

He needed an insider.

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