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Today was the day. The day you would meet your future husband. You had been taught how to act when meeting him and how yo should behave if had wished to take you as his wife. Rosa was more scared then you were.

Rosa, the woman that had practically raised you. From childhood she had taken care of you, teaching you everything you knew. When you had nightmares she was the one who would come into your room and console you. She had treated you so much like her own daughter that you had taken to calling her Mama Rosa.

You had been daydreaming. Looking out the window, think about if your knight in shining armor would show up soon. You had loved fairy-tales, the ones with the prince, or princess you wouldn't complain, swooping in and saving the main character, usually from her cruel family and dreaded life.

You had imagined what that moment would look like all your life. Seeing yourself holding hands with him, kissing and giving him all your love. It was everything you had every wanted. The only thing you had ever wished for.  Well besides for a loving mother bu she was always off trying to avoid your father, you saw her 5 or 6 times a year for a day or 2 then she was gone again. You had even stopped calling her mother, instead you restored to her real name, Delilah.

As you were slowly coming to terms with the fact that your prince, or princess, charming wouldn't come to same you Rosa brush into your room.

"Mama Rosa" You questioned, "What is it?"

"They have arrived dear!" Rosa exclaimed.

"Well I can't even see him until Leo- I mean my father calls me down" You said and took a seat, grabbing a book to read until then.

The book you picked was 'Everything, Everything' it was your favorite and just as you were about to start at the beginning for what you believed was the 30 or 40th times this month.

"He did, he called you down and said to hurry" Rosa grabs you book gently and takes it back to the bookshelf, "We must go down now."

She ushers you down the stairs. You were close enough to hear there voices now. A sliver of hope still remained in you, you hoped your knight in shining armor would come but you realized that you have nobody. Nobody at all.

"Ah there she is, my wonderful daughter" Your father exaggerated. "How are you my dear"

You learned what to respond with in situations such as this and thats why your response was almost immediate.

"I'm doing well father" along with a sweet smile to finish it off.

Your father introduced the guests to you, as if you hadn't already known who they were. You had seen pictures and heard rumors. Turning to see them for the first time, Steve catches your eye first.

You had been given a description of him and showed a few pictures but never had you in a million years pictured him to look this good. He was toned and you could see his muscles through the suit he was wearing. Even with your external shock you hadn't expressed it on your face, still having the warm and welcoming smile plastered on your face. While sneakily checking Steve out you eyes had found the way to his. The both of you stared into the others eyes for what felt like hours when the truth was it was only a few seconds.

You turn to see his accomplices. You see Bucky first and boy was he attractive. Just not as attractive as Steve. You didn't let your eyes or mind wander with this one, instead you looked past him and to the others as well. Natasha, Wanda, Tony, Sam, Clint, Thor, and Bruce.

Seems as he had brought his most trusted men and women. Bucky was Steve second in command. Natasha was  the best spy ever. Wanda was Nat's protégé, its said she's good but not as good as her mentor. Tony usually handled modifications with weapons and is also sort of the tech guy. Sam was the one who planned everything out in there missions. Clint was the smuggler he got them everything they needed, be it weapons or something else. Thor was the best fighter, he could see someone fight once and he would instantly pick up on it and be able to find his counter attack on them. Finally there was Bruce, he was the bomb expert, he could assemble and deassemble bombs with easy.

You smiled at each of them as your father mentioned something about dinner.

~1 hour later~

You hadn't eaten much of your food. Instead you were just picking at it. Steve had noticed this. Your father was talking about how great it would be to have a union between the two families. It was past the time you usually went to bed. Yes, Rosa had you on a strict bed time because as she puts it 'getting a good amount of sleep makes one more beautiful then all the amounts of makeup in the world'.

It was already late and you knew that they weren't going to be leaving. They weren't getting up though. Steve and your father were discussing plans, of your marriage you assumed. The rest of them were either listening or talking amongst themselves. You were the only having trouble keeping your eyes open. Every now and then you could feel sleep trying to take you. Lucky for you Steve had noticed.

"Well Mr.Wisteria, its gotten pretty late, my team and I would like to turn in for the night. Of course we can continue this conversation tomorrow" Steve says getting up, which causes everyone else to get up. It takes you a minute before you realize that everyone is looking at you now, since your the only one sitting.

You scramble to your feet quickly. Before you could get your mind in order Steve is standing before you. He takes your hand and places a soft kiss on it.

"Goodnight" those were his last words before he left the room along with the rest of his team mates.

Crimson Lace (Steve Rogers × Reader) (Mob AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat