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Two days after Type woke up

“From the results of your blood test I would say that you have Lady Luck on your side,” Doctor Annaya smiled at the young Omega on the bed. “Your scent gland is healing nicely, your natural scent has become fresh and healthy and there is no agitation. Which is good. In an hour we will have the results of the fertility test to see if everything is okay.” She smiled warmly and received a small smile and a shy ‘thank you' in response.

Type watched as the doctor left and laid down on the bed, turning himself into a ball. Yes, they have taken out his stopper, the other doctor mentioned something about it being a problem to his health. He was sure that soon they will find another one, a safer one and he would be able to go back to his life.

The mare thought about his job made his throat dry. He could still feel the embarrassment he felt when Doctor Bunn made a comment about the overprotective Alpha who got him into the hospital in the first place. Type whimpered when he remembered how his CEO kissed him in his office, ripping his clothes apart and then protecting him from the gun pointed at him. Then he was being carried somewhere, he was inside a car, and then…. He woke up in the hospital with a nurse checking his neck.

Of course, he was not expecting anyone inside his room when he woke up. After all, he was the only family he had. The accident with Mr. Kirigun happened because of a faulty stopper, something like that would not happen again. He sighed and closed his eyes. Yesterday he had a talk with Manager Yon from the bookstore he applied to. He apologized and explained the situation; the Manager was oddly understanding and still offered Type the job if he wanted.

For the first time in three year Type felt like he would be able to secure something which would not make him feel anxious and under everyone’s shoe. He needed to stay for some more hours and he would be free to go, he smiled. He would disappear and not cause any more trouble.

Bunn was looking at the test result that came to him fifteen minutes ago. Tharn’s Omega was healthy and escaped from any kind of unwanted consequences from his stopper. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. This was happening more often than not, abused and mistreated Omegas ending on ER or ICU.

“Doctor Bunn? Mr. Kirigun is here to talk to you,” one of the nurses opened the door and let Tharn in.

“Where is Type?”

Bunn frowned and looked at the nurse with surprise. Then his gaze moved to Tharn who looked like he was hit by lightning. His hair was a mess and he had a slight blush on his cheeks.

“In his room. I was just about to go with the results to Annaya and then to him.”

Tharn shook his head and gripped his head.

“He’s not there. There is a cleaning lady in, who said that the patient got signed out,” Tharn said hysterically.

The nurse turned sharply on her heel and ran to the station, while Bunn gripped Tharn’s biceps and dragged him after her. She was talking to someone over the phone, her eyes scanning the monitor in front of her.

“Who was that Alpha who got him signed out? That patient was a male Omega, there was not supposed to be an Alpha near him without Doctors Bunn or Annaya’s clearance,” she yelled quietly and quickly scribbled down some information, then put the phone down. “An Alpha came in an hour ago. Apparently, he said he was the patient’s mate and along with him left the building. The nurse on the post said that the Omega looked uncomfortable but she waved it off as being away from his mate for too long. Here,” she passed the not to Bunn. “She took his information. I’m going to go to her with Head Nurse now.”

Tale of May lilies and mintWhere stories live. Discover now