"Movie Night"

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TW : Attempts of s3xu@l assault and mVrder (kinda)
(This includes some fictional stuff)

(Sapnap pov)

"Wake up!" A loud voice shouted, very British sounding too, from what I can extinguish, We've arrived, but I think my eardrums are on the brink of breaking due to the gremlin's shouting but I came to my senses eventually.

We came in different groups, Me, Dream, Tommy and Tubbo went together. George, Karl, Quackity and Ranboo were with each other. And the girls have yet to arrive.

The minors and George went to get the snacks, pop corn, sweets, drinks, everything we needed.

Since the cinema would be empty, we could take any room, we took the one closest to the door and bathroom so it would be easy for us.

Still, there were other people who had their movies scheduled here so we weren't completely alone. But we technically almost had full control of the entire cinema.

It was quite late already, around 9pm. Dream, Karl and Quackity were going to the cinema we booked, I really wanted to go with them but I had to stay here to wait for the girls since they don't really know any of the others that well. Same with me but from what Dream says, they would be more 'comfortable'.

The girls still hadn't arrived yet, it's been a few minutes. George came out of the cinema, chewing a cherry red lollipop and he wasn't wearing his hoodie that he came with when we came in.. Wonder why he's not with the minors anymore. He seems to be calling someone.

I could dechiper some of the words. "W--t do you m--n? No ---. -m not l---ing yo- do tha- to my fr-ends. Li-ten, I kno- your -y-"

That's all I could hear since George stormed back in the cinema, I shouldn't get involved.. An obsidian colored car pulled up into the driveway, out came three girls and they walked into the cinema, seems like they missed me. I should head back in to catch up with them.

"Wasn't Sapnap supposed to meet us outside?" Maya asked.

"I think we missed him, It is getting dark, maybe he was a bit more at the front?" Sally replied.

"Hey girls." I said.

"Oh, hey Sapnap! There you are, I knew that we didn't see you." Sally said.

"The room we booked is the one showing Hamilton, it was the only one open right now so I hope you don't mind, Techno was nagging Tommy to book it too, the other movie open was actually The Unholy (I just searched up Horror movies) ." I said.

"That's cool, I think we're all fine with Hamilton though I have watched a bit." Emily shrugged.

"Alright, you guys can go in first, I'm going to use the restroom." I chuckled, the girls walked into the room, closing the door behind them. Why did I say I wanted to use the restroom? It's because I saw Q walked in there and while we were talking, I saw a man walking in the restroom too and Quackity hasn't come out yet.

The cashiers just left on break so the other staff were in the security rooms. Doubt they would know about what's going on in there.

I walked into the rest room and saw a sight that I wouldn't have wanted to see. The man was choking Quackity and was extremely close to him. I'm not letting this slide! I pushed the man away from Quackity.

"Heheh.... Such nosy people...You will pay for not letting me have my fun!" The older man tried punching me but I quickly dodged it, but I fell on to the ground and the man stepped on my back. Quackity was gone, I really hope he can get some help in time..I don't think I can hold on for long.

(Third person pov)

Quackity ran as fast as he could even if it was a short distance, legs shaking every step that he made. He opened the door to the cinema room and shouted, "Sapnap needs help!"

Quackity collapsed and was gasping for air. Dream and George went to the restroom, Karl and Emily went to the hallways and the minors stayed where they were with the other two girls. Shocked expressions filled the room, Sally called the police with shaking hands.

"Hello, 911 here, what can we do for you?" The dispatcher asked.

"Something is going on at ------- Cinema, Street 4, please come quick, my acquaintance is also on the ground right now, my intuition says that he was choked recently!"

"We will send our forces that are closest to the cinema right away, please stay on the phone, I'll need some more information, the police will be there in about a few minutes." The dispatcher replied as she pressed the buttons on the keyboard and shouted out commands.

Karl and Emily weren't having much luck with finding Quackity, mainly because Karl was quite weary and Emily  just arrived so they were obviously confused. Meanwhile Dream and George had better luck. "Stop right there!" Dream shouted.

The man looked up with a smirk and pressed his foot harder against Sapnap. "I told you to not do anything to my friend!" George yelled.

"Oops, Georgie.. Looks like I didn't know." The man said, something was off with his voice, it sounded more feminine. The 'man' took off 'his' wig and it shown an unexpected sight. The man was actually a woman!

"How do you know George's name?!" Dream asked.

"Aw.... Georgie, you didn't tell your friend about your own aunt?" The woman said.

"Your not my aunt, your just a teacher at Jeffery's school, I know what you did to him, now he refuses to speak to any woman ever!" George yelled with anger in his tone.

"Well, it's sad that he didn't enjoy it.. But his cousin did, kind of, she now thinks I'm her second mother~" The woman said seductively.

Sapnap had passed out by now, seeing the condition he was in, she stomped on Sapnap's body.

"Sapnap!" George said worriedly.

"This woman disgusts me, I'm surprised she hasn't gone to jail yet, with this attitude, I bet even the judge and policemen would cry without her even saying anything." Dream said sarcastically, Sapnap would need medical attention soon so he had to do his plan now.

"What?! You wretched b1tch!" The woman yelled angrily, she struck at Dream but he dodged.

Dream grabbed the nearby bucket and put it on top of the woman's head.

"That...Was unexpected...?" George said.

"Well, I kinda had a plan in mind already, just like how I do in manhunts." Dream said proudly.

"Seems like she's unconscious, Sapnap too, even though she looks and sounds tough, she seriously can't handle much of a fight." George said, ignoring Dreams remark.

(Dream pov)

Police sirens were heard. The staff had rushed to see what was happening, George and I apprehended the woman and brought her to the police. Sapnap was brought to the hospital for medical attention, he would be discharged in approximately 1 week but it could take longer. Quackity was still recovering a bit but he didn't need any medical attention until they realized that he was bleeding a bit. He just had to be bandaged and that was it.

The minors had to go back to their homes, I don't think that they would be going out for a bit.

The girls went on a vacation with their adopted son so we won't be hearing from them in a while too.

Me, George, Karl and Quackity decided to help clean up Sapnap's house when he came back, about that woman though, George still refuses to talk to me about it but that woman was wanted for a lot of things, s3xu@l assault, stealing, mVrder and a few more, and she had a whole lab of disguises that she could use. Surprising thing is that she was only 29. She couldn't have done all that by herself... Whatever, I can think about that another day...


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