Head Canon 2

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Head Canon two- Natasha was revived when Steve returned the Soul stone and they returned the rest of the stones together and stayed in the past when they were finished returning them

2 years later

Steve's POV

Natasha and I made a home out of the Avengers compound. We checked in with everyone once a month and kept an eye out for anyone that we lost. But there was a growing wedge between us. Our child. I walked into the main office and Natasha was sitting at the desk like she always was. She thought if she sat there someone would patch though with good news, but it never came.

"Want a peanut butter sandwich," I asked which jumped her.

"No," she said.

"When's the last time you ate something?" I asked.

"Yesterday morning," she said.

"You need a sandwich then," I said sitting the plate down in front of her and pulling up a chair. She looked anywhere but my eyes so I gently placed my hand on hers.


"No, Steve, whatever you have to say I don't want to hear it. I don't want to look on the bright side or have hope that things will get better, that we can have a child again," Nat said choking on tears, "I know you said that we could defy the odds again but it's been two years Steve whatever hope I had for that is gone. I don't want to live my life on a dream that will never come true. I need to heal on my own terms and on my own time. And I can't do that with-"

"With what?"

"With you here. I'm so sorry Steve but looking at you, being with you, it's just a constant reminder of what I lost. I love you but I can't be with you anymore."

Those words felt like a knife in my chest.

“Ok, I love you too Natasha. I’ll go if that’s what you really want.”

She nodded looking at the floor to avoid my eyes, like she knew that if she looked at me she would change her mind. 

“I’ll be out there when you’re ready,” I said then headed up to our room to collect my things. 


Three years later

Steve’s POV

I sat on the bridge after my run like I did everyday looking out over the Hudson. It had been three years since I left the love of my life alone in that compound to grieve on her own. I never lost hope, one day we would get our child back. I waited for her to contact me but she never did.

“Hey world, if I should go back to Natasha today give me a sign,” I called out to no one in particular, who knows what's out there in the world controlling things at this point. Just as soon as the words left my mouth huge whales jumped and danced over the top of the water. I smiled and thanked whoever gave me the sign. I finished running to my car and headed for the Avengers Compound. 

There she was sitting at the same desk. Her hair had grown out, the red coming back at her roots and the white at her tips. She looked just as beautiful as ever. I waited for her to finish talking to Rhodey before making myself known to her. 

“You know I saw whales in the Hudson before coming here,” I said. 

“If you're about to tell me to look on the bright side, imma throw a peanut butter sandwich at you,” she said. 

“I wasn’t. I was just making a statement. It’s been a while,” I said. 

“I’m sorry Steve,” she said. 

Romanogers Head Canons (Infinity War and End Game) Where stories live. Discover now