Head Canon 1

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Head Canon one- Natasha was pregnant with Steve's baby in Infinity War and the baby was dusted in the snap

Steve's POV

I woke up with Natasha lying next to me. I thought it had all been a dream but finding out it was real was a really great feeling.

"Morning, Captain," Natasha said. I instantly felt embarrassed that she had caught me staring at her.

"Hey," I responded.

Natasha cuddled in close to me. I held her tightly in my arms never wanting to let go. I kissed the top of her head and all the memories of the night before came flooding back


There was a knock on the door and I jumped up to answer it. I looked through the peephole and saw Natasha's smiling face. I opened the door and she came right it. I locked it after she did, making sure there was no way anyone could come inside.

"So what did you make me for dinner?" She asked. I offered to make us a nice dinner to celebrate finding a place to lay low for a while here and Norway. Nobody knew us here and the people here hardly had televisions so it made keeping our cover pretty easy. "Steak? Man, when you said you knew how to cook you weren't kidding." She had made it to the kitchen before I even took my hand off the door knob. I quickly made my way to her and pulled out her chair at the table.

"My mother taught me a few things," I said making my way over to my own chair. The apartments we had found were small but they could make for good homes.

"So you really think we can stay here? Settle down even?" She asked.

"I'm hoping so. Running from place to place this last year hasn't really been a highlight of my life," I said.

"Mine either. But getting to have you around more has been nice," she said with a shy smile. I didn't know what to say so I just started eating hoping she would do the same.

"You know if I didn't know any better I'd say you were flirting with me just there," I finally spoke. I have been in love with Natasha since we took down HYDRA together. But I knew she didn't feel the same so I always kept my feeling to myself, or at least that’s what I thought.

"And if I didn't know any better I'd say this is a date," she responded.

"What would you say if I was," I asked looking right into her eyes.

"I'd say it was nice," she said.

"Really," I said.

"Really," she responded.

We spent the rest of the meal just talking but our plans for being here, like that whole interaction didn't even happen. After dinner I scooped us both some ice cream and we sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. Just because most people don't have one doesn't mean I don't. We found something in english and just let our minds go numb.

"You know I really like you Steve," Nat said, taking me by surprise.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. And maybe if we are going to settle down here for awhile, we could settle down together?" She asked.

I kissed her, without even thinking about it, I kissed her. She kissed me back and we just let our bodies decide what would happen next. We slowly made our way to the bedroom. I gently laid her down on the bed and stared at her.

"I love you, I have for a long time," I said.

"I love you too," she said.


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