1: The Farm

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It was a tranquil night on Morden's farm. The air was comfortably warm, and the breeze never picked up anything more than dust. Even the bright moon shone down on both his house and barn, bathing them in soft, gray rays of light. Nearly every animal laid fast asleep in their places. All having pleasant dreams about roaming long pastures or even just chowing down on their favorite food. Morden would usually be dreaming too, if only he wasn't wide awake with sweat dripping down his pale face. With clammy hands, he clutched his comforter for dear life as chills ran through him. Every strand of hair on his body stood on end accompanied by tingling goosebumps. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, beating against his inflated lungs which were ready to burst at any minute. Morden's shrunken pupils were fixated on the door, hearing the voice of a little girl singing a nursery song from behind it.

"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snoooow."

"And everywhere that Mary went..."

As the song went on, the sweet voice deepened with every line sung. When it finally came to an end, a crack sounded. Then, the song started again, but with the voice whispering it in reverse.

"Og ot erus bmal eht tnew yraM taht erehwyrevE. Tnew yraM, tnew yraM, tnew yraM taht erehwyrev dnA."

"wons sa etihw saw eceelf..."

This cycled throughout the night in the exact same manner until the next morning arrived.

The radiating sun rose in the sky, waking up the roosters who then proceeded to wake up the animals in return. While the light of dawn spilled into Morden's house, a fast thudding on the floor ensued outside his door, fading as it seemingly scrambled out of there. After anxiously waiting for five minutes, Morden choked down his fear and worked up the courage to leave his bed. Each step was unsure and shaky; his feet slowly moved forward despite everything in his body telling them not to. Before he knew it, his hand was reaching for the door knob, eventually grabbing it and giving it a twist. His lungs filled with more air as he pulled the door open. Nothing appeared in his direct line of sight.

And then he looked down.

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