Alex,Kara X baby danvers

Start from the beginning

Y/n: stop acting like a child really. who didn't invite me to game night 6 times. who completely ignored me. who didn't ask me to go for lunch, i needed yous both but yous we're to busy playing bored games to even bother talking to there Younger sister who's slowly but surely falling apart, who can't sleep at night! witch leads to a panic attack, yous don't even care about me!!

Kara and Alex went to say something but you went in your apartment slamming your door Kara goes to knock but alex shakes her head as they go back in You slide down the door crying your heart out

-a month later-

it's been a month since the thing with Your sisters, and you've not talked to them tbh you haven't left your apartment that much the only time you do is when there is a parcel witch a few times kara has been there you ignore her and going to work that's the only times you leave

today was really hard you went to CatCo your chest feeling heavy your heart was pounding you knew kara could probably hear you knew what was coming, it was a panic attack you finish your day at CatCo and get in the elevator Kara and Nia walk in

you stand there your heart still pounding kara can defo hear cause she's looking at you, you got to your apartment as you walk in shutting the door you overheard Kara telling Nia that Alex and Kelly are staying with her cause there was a

flooding you Lock your door laying in the couch your you couldn't breath and it was only getting worse you needed someone and whisper very low "Kara p plz h help" you start crying it was only getting worse

Kara: shh

Alex: what is it Kara?

"Kara p plz help"

Kara: y/n

Alex: she doesn't want us near her

Kara: s she's crying s she needs help

Alex: Kara she's fine okay she doesn't want us near her

"K k kara i i can't b breath"

*Kara has never ran so fast in her life to your door kicking the door down and runs inside you were full on panicking everything was blurry your finger tips were tingling you felt someone pick you up pulling you close*

Kara: i've got you i've got you

*It was kara you were now feeling guilty*

Y/n: i i'm sorry i i'm s sorry i i'm s sorry

Kara: hey i don't care i should be the one apologizing okay alex to but right now i need you to focus on me and breath

*after a good while you were breathing back to normal after Kara for Kelly she helped a lot being. therapist and all you had your head on Kara's shoulder half asleep*

Y/n: w where a alex w where i is s she

Kara: hey clam down she's...

Alex: i'm here Angel

Y/n: i i i'm s sorry

Alex: no no where sorry, it was us your right your are baby sister we need to take care of you cause your the little baby of the family i'm sorry

Kara: i'm sorry to

*you smiled a little you feel asleep on Kara when you woke up you were now in Kara's apartment you looked around*

Y/n: k kara we're are you

Kara: hey your okay im here im just making breakfast

y/n: w where's alex?

Kara: bathroom

y/n: where's

Kelly: i'm here

*you smile Kelly rubbed your back and smiles at you as yous we're all eating you where becoming clingy with Alex and Kara again, after a panic attack when you where little it always happened you wouldn't. want them to go anywhere

Kara: anything you wanna talk about

*you nod*

Y/n; im sorry im not a superhero like yous

Kara: hey you are a superhero remember when you where little you ran around with a blanket around you like a. cape you save people in different ways like Kelly, not all Hero's wear capes or wears cool
suits some of the best hero's are the ones without the suits and there stronger

y/n: so your telling me i'm better and stronger then you

*Alex smiles*

Kara: if you think you are indeed you hair

Y/n: arm wrestling

Kara: yes

*you and kara arm wrestle witch you won Kara wasn't going esay on you*

Y/n: boom eat that!

Alex: did she just?

Kara: how did you

Y/n: oh i work out a lot

Alex: yeah clearly

Kara:i love you little sis

Y/n: i love you too both of yous and you to Kelly

Kelly: aww why thank you i love you too

Alex: hey don't hit on my girlfriend

Y/n: i am not shush

Alex: i love you too tiny danvers

*Alex kisses your cheek so does kara you where happy to say at least you still felt back tbh but it was okay*

thank you for reading if you have a request comment

if you Have a request or idea  for the following comment
(doesn't have to be relationship)

Nia x Kara
Melissa x Nicole
Alex x Nia
Kara,Alex x Baby Danvers
Nia x Baby Danvers
Nicole x Reader
Chyler x Nicole

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