Expanding on the Apoc! AU + more detailed char. descriptions!

Start from the beginning

Hugh Apiston: Physically 28, actually 97. Looks pretty much the same as he did when his body with 18, but with longer and messier hair that sticks out around his ears. He still wears the stupid goggles though- he's going to think they're cool until the day he dies, at this point. He wears a button up yellowed with years of sweat and work with it's sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark cargo pants, and battered boots with rubber soles, not to mention the silver wedding band on his left hand. He carries a shotgun strapped across his back, as well as being armed with the brute strength he's ended up with over the years. 

Fiona Frauenfield-Apiston: Physically 28, actually in her late nineties. Her hair is styled in long dreads she did herself, held back over her broad shoulders a majority of the time. Typically she wears heavy overalls with a dark tanktop underneath. She and Olive match often! She also keeps thick gardening gloves and tools on her person at all times. Her wedding ring always seemed to have dirt on it, no matter how hard she tries to keep it clean.

Enoch O'Connor: Physically 24, actually 128. His dirty blonde hair has grown out to a layered shag mullet he regularly ties up, and he can still be easily mistaken for a corpse. Enoch also go outside. He wears a black zip-up hoodie over salvaged band merchandise, tattered black jeans, and slightly bloody black converse. He has a bad habit of finishing the undead off by stomping their heads in, and grossing everyone around him the fuck out. He carries a pistol on his belt and the expected amount of venom on his tongue. Also, he lives in the boathouse with his boyfriend, Horace. 

Jacob Portman: Physically 26. His dark hair has also grown out over the years, but it's kept decently short. He wears a tight black t-shirt ( *points accusingly* WHORE! /j) and blue jeans, paired with thick-soled sneakers that desperately need to be replaced. He carries a hunting knife at all times, wedged between his skin and his jeans. So he's still a dumbass, at least.

Noor Pradesh: Physically 25. Her hair is cut to her shoulders and streaked with every color of the rainbow, making her every movement hypnotizing. She wears a black tank top, camo cargo pants, muddy combat boots, and a torn sealife hoodie she rescued from the gift shop. She carries a hunting knife that matches Jacob- safely, in an actual holster- and a heavy duty flashlight. Blinding people is still her go to defense mechanism, and who can blame her? It works! 

Claire Densmore: Physically 16, actually 90. Her hair falls to her shoulders in princess like curls, just long enough for her tie up comfortably. She wears a pink windbreaker, an old band shirt she most definitely stole from Enoch, and tattered blue jeans, paired with perpetually untied red converse. She wanted pink ones, but she couldn't find any in her size. She's still a major pacifist, avoiding conflict to the best of her ability, but considering the circumstances, she carries a bow and arrow on her patrols. She made the arrows herself, and carved small animals into the wood of her bow :).

Olive Abroholos-Elephanta: Physically 17, actually 85 and some change. Her long, curly hair is tied back in a high ponytail, and the very ends of it seem to float behind her in a dreamy space like manner. Her bangs are held out of her face with a white headband. She wears black overalls splattered with paint, a white tank top underneath and a tool belt slung across her waist. Her boots are weighed down and have thick silver belts holding them together. She doesn't carry any guns, but rather opts for a metal bat wrapped in barbed wire. She does have the best aim of the entire crew, though, her hands unshaking and her marks destroyed with every pull of the trigger.

Horace Somnusson: Physically 23, actually 93. He still dresses nicely, but he's toned it down over the years for the sake of efficiently. He was very upset over it, but he's smart enough to know it was needed. He wears a neat dress shirt, dress pants torn at the knee ( he was DISTRAUGHT), and black converse he- much like Claire- stole from Enoch. Also like Claire, he doesn't carry any weapons, but he's resourceful when he does need one. He's saved his own ass with a lucky crowbar or pipe multiple times. 

Bronwyn Bruntley: Physically 27, actually 93. Her hair is short and curly, usually kept out of her face with a blue bandana. She wears a white shirt with the aquariums logo on her heart and enlarged on her back, bagging blue jeans faded with age, and thick combat boots. A pistol and a machete hang off her belt. Paired with her superhuman strength, she's never undefended. More often than not, she carries a heavy bag loaded with supplies and extra items. She's still dedicated to her mom friend role, and is widely regarded as the leader in the long periods the ymbryne is away.

Millard Nullings: Physically 27, actually 97. He's still invisible, obviously, though he's taken to smearing dirt or something similar over his skin if he needs people to look at something specific on his person. His face, mostly, so they'll look him in the goddamn eyes. He wears a torn t-shirt splattered with dried blood, heavy black gloves with skeletal decals, dark jeans, and boots laced up with multicolored laces. Sometimes, he'll wear an insane amount of jewelry around the aquarium just so people can make out his hands better. He carries a hammer with him at all times, handing from one of his belt loops like some twisted accessory. He's also got deadly aim with just about anything. 

There are plenty of other peculiars scatted around the area these guys run, so just saying.... if you have the sudden desire to have an apocalyptic peculiar OC... there's space and enough crimes for everyone to commit :)
This AU is still taking its baby steps towards completion, and I'm really excited to keep working on it over time!! I do hope you folks enjoy the fictional concept of the end of the world nearly as much as I do <3

Have a lovely day/evening/night! Love you dearly,
Cas Thorne 

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