Chapter 23 || Y/n's POV

Start from the beginning

"We should leave now."

Finally the hallway chatter died down and we both let out a breath. Saiki pushed open and door and immediately escaped. I followed behind him, relieved. The anxiety in my blood calmed. I blinked open to noticed the look of terror in his eyes.

"Kusuo...?" I turned around to see what was so shocking. There, in the closet, was not only cleaning supplies, but also a giant cockroach.

"Come with me, Y/n. I'm recharged." This time, instead of Saiki grabbing me, I clutched onto him and pinched my eyes shut as I was teleported into the great nowhere. When the dizziness faded, I smelt fresh forest.

I opened my eyes and became aware of my surroundings. Lush green leaves surrounded us, and a rushing sound enveloped our area. Birds chirped in the distance and water sprung from our feet. I looked down as my socks became soaked. I saw that we were in a river of some sort. I stepped forward and suddenly slipped on a rock. My eyes widened as I plummeted down, appendages flailing as the water sprayed my face. I was going to meet my death at some random ass waterfall.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my torso. I felt Kusuo's presence behind me, taking hold of my body. Other than the cold, earthy wind hitting my face, I felt a tickle of warm air hit my ear. I'd have shivered if he weren't holding me tightly. Good thing the drop had increased my heart beat or Saiki would have suspected he made me nervous. Suddenly I felt our descend slow, and we were no longer in peril.

I opened my eyes after squeezing them shut. The wind and the sight of plummeting to my death had kept them shut. We were now on a piece of rocky land by the bottom of the waterfall. I took in a few breaths, calming myself. Saiki had let go and was now sitting on a fallen log, looking bored as usual.

"Good grief, you really can't go five minutes without tripping, can you?

"Excuse me? You were the one who teleported us to some random ass forest after seeing an insect."

"It's not random. We're at Angel falls, Venezuela."

"It doesn't matter; you overreacted like a crybaby."

"You would have done the same thing," he defended himself.

"So? I thought you were the man. The alpha. Girls like me are allowed to be soft and fragile, aren't they?" I batted my eyes. Kusuo made a face.

"Stop acting like that."

"You stop acting like that."

"You're being an idiot."

I stuck my tongue out at him. He scoffed and turned away. That's when I noticed his clothes had gotten wet. I found myself tracing his body, unable to stop myself from looking over his slim, masculine frame. I was surprised to see his back actually had some definition. On top of that, his shoulders were broad and his waist was thin. His pink hair was soaked, and light glinted off the water droplets donning his face. I noticed my hair was dripping, too.

"So they were pink."


"Your panties. They were pink. I'm assuming that's a matching set?"

I looked up at Kusuo, now turned back to me. His purples eyes had a glint of mischief that even his glasses could not hide. I followed his eyeline to my chest, where, sure enough, my uniform was soaked and sticking to me.

Not only was the uniform white, it was also fairly transparent. Water added on top of that meant a total disaster. My uniform was tightened around my chest, showing off my blush pink laced bralette. He was right; I was wearing a matching set. Lucky enough, the mint skirt stopped just before my knee, and was not see-through. However, during that fall there was no guarantee that my skirt didn't flutter up enough to expose anything. Either way Kusuo had said and seen too much.

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