Oh no. She knows, doesn't she? But how?

I look a little nervously over at Jude, who has noticed all this too.

"I'm going to sleep now. I'm tired from all this running around town," I say as I slowly move to the inner area of the boat.

In my cabin, I put on something comfortable and take off my make-up and just as I was about to lie down, there is a knock on the door.

"Yes? Come in," I say.

The door opens and Jude comes in.

"Um... I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to sleep over."

"Okay.", I say and follow him.

However, he walks past the cabin he had slept in before and continues until he stops in front of one, on the other side of the boat.

He opens the door and the cabin looks like any other here.

"I want to go to the window," I say and jump onto the bed so that I get there first.

"I already knew that," he replies with a laugh.

"How did you know?" I ask him.

"You always want to sit by the window," he replies and lies down next to me on the bed.

"Yes, I guess I do," I say as I cover myself up.

I don't notice much more because I fall asleep immediately.

And when I wake up again, my head is lying on something warm, an arm is wrapped around my throat and I feel a breath on my neck.

He is still asleep and I don't want to wake him now.

Should I try to sleep again too? Okay, yes, I'll try.

"Jude, we're going out for dinner in 30 minutes. Get yourself... Holy shit," Jobe says as he enters the room.

We both jump up, away from each other.

"What the fuck is going on here?" asks Jobe, his mouth open.

"Bro, we were just sleeping. Don't be so dramatic," Jude says as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't know about you guys and that I was surprised to finally see you together," he says as he rolls his eyes.

And shortly afterwards he disappears again.

"We should get up," I say.

JB and Me | jude bellingham Where stories live. Discover now