She smiles he blue eyes twinkling. "I'd like that."

"So when will you tell them?"

She sighs. "Elena and her family are coming over next Sunday and I planned on going because my mom doesn't like her and wants me there."

I cringe at the name. Nobody likes that bitch. If there is one person I hate more than Aurora's dad it'd be her sister. She'd always say something like "Is this an orphanage now?" When she saw I was there. Or she'd say something far more offensive.

Their dad didn't seem bothered when Elena would call me a slur or something. Sometimes Aurora's mom would say something to her.

Me and Aurora where 14 while she was in her early twenties. She would talk shit on a child. I don't know how one person could have so much hatred in their heart just because someone is a different skin color than them.

I'm glad Aurora doesn't act like them. She had to unlearn all of that hatred and I'm proud of her.

"So you're going to tell them while she's there?" I smile amused.

She shrugs. "She'll find out anyway. Besides we usually end up arguing when she comes over and I'm there. Her twins  act like animals-"

"Mommy! Where are you?!" We hear Ari outside of the room.

Aurora frowns as she hurriedly opens the bathroom door and leaves. I follow behind her.

Ari has her head poked into Aurora's room.

"I'm right here." She says to Ari.

Ari turns around and runs to her.

"What you doing?" She asks her little green eyes wide with curiosity.

Aurora picks her up. "Me and Kya were talking." She walks out with her and I follow behind them.

"In the bathroom?" She frowns.



"Umm, Kya had to poop." Ari looks at me and starts giggling uncontrollably. "You poopy."

Aurora looks at me with an amused smile. Wow. She couldn't just say it was her or that we were brushing our teeth. We get into the living room and I look at the clock on the wall. I'm gonna be late. Nice.

"I gotta go to work." I look at Aurora as she takes a seat on the couch with Ari.

She frowns.

I go to them and give Ari a kiss on the cheek and then I kiss Aurora.

"I love you both very much."

"We love you too." Aurora smiles and I leave.


"Why are you late?" Deven stops me and asks with genuine interest.

"Uhh, I slept late." I give him a sad smile to make it more believable.

"Oh. Happens to the best of us." He walks off.

I expected him to tell me not to let it happen again.

As I'm walking to my dressing room Stella stops me. "You're gonna tell us the real reason you were late."

I give her a confused look. "I slept late."

She glares and hums skeptically before walking off, leaving me in front of my dressing room.

I go in and put the black lingerie waiting for me on after putting my ring on the dresser. I keep my phone with me and I go to the makeup room where Destiny and Stella are waiting for me. Stella has a big ass smile on he face as I take a seat in the chair.

"So spill. This is a safe space." She says as she grabs the make up.

I hold back a scoff. I bet if I told her the entire studio would know before the day ends. Now I know Destiny can keep a secret.

"What is she talking about?" Destiny asks.

"You tell me." I hold back a smile.

Stella blows in defeat. "Whatever, you're no fun." Stella says.

I smirk putting my attention back on my phone. Aurora would say otherwise.

"Who's that little girl on your phone?" Stella casually asks. "I notice you keep her as your background."

"Why are you so nosy?" Destiny chuckles as she fixes my hair.

I don't see a reason not to tell them. "She's my daughter."

"What?" They both say at the same time.

"She's my daughter." I repeat. Is it that surprising.

"Like biological?" Stella asks.


I see her and Destiny looking at each other when I look in the mirror. "You can have kid's?"


"You're just now telling us this?" Destiny asks.

"Yeah you never asked."

"So your daughter has to biological moms or?" Stella sounds confused.

I hum.

"Lucky kid." She says. "Do you have anymore pictures?"

"Yeah." I open more pictures and while they get me ready I show them all the pictures I have of Ari, except for the ones with Aurora.

Selfish Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora