7 - Oversleep

48 2 13

Emerson POV.

"Fuck fuck fuck!", I say while trying to quickly get all my things.

My alarm clock didn't work. This has been the third time this month! This shitty thing always dies! But then there are days where it works excellent. Stupid thing.

I run through my room to get everything.

"Sketch book. Pens. Notebook. That's it? Oh. My headphones.", I mumble while packing the bag.

I get to my bed and throw off the blanket and pillows.

"Please please please.", I mumble, "Got it!"

I hold my headphones up. I quickly get to the bag, put them in it and run downstairs. I take the mug filled with coffee and fill it in a cup. I take it and start to leave the house. I say goodbye to Seb and Mom and start to get to school.

"Em! Wait!", I hear someone scream when I want to leave the house.

I turn around and see Remmy running up to me. The buttons of his shirt are still opened, the tie is loosened and he puts on his shoes while running to me.. well it's more like jumping.

He straightens up when he stands in front of me.

"So. Now we can go.", he says.

I roll my eyes and turn around. We start to walk to the school. In the meantime Remington buttons his shirt and I help him with his tie.

After a short walk we arrive at the school. I run to my class and Remington walks to his. I stop in front of the room completely out of breath. I take a few deep breaths and knock on the door.

I slowly open it. The teacher is already inside. I get into the room.

Remington POV.

Emerson and I were late. I didn't want to walk alone to school, so I just wanted him to wait for me. It actually worked.

I look after Emerson while he runs to his class. I look to his bag. Shit. It's still open. And a book falls out of it.

"Em! Wait!", I scream but he somehow doesn't hear me.

I roll my eyes and get to the book. I pick it up and look at it.

Shit. His sketch book.

I sigh and start to walk to his classroom.

When I arrive there I hear voices coming from inside. I knock on the door and open it.

"Sorry. But Em, you forgot this.", I say and hand him the book.

The teacher asks me why I'm not in my class and bla bla bla.

Emerson POV.

The day already starts amazing.. after this amazing start I walk to the back row. I sit down on one of the chairs. I feel a bit like someone looks at me. I look to my side and see someone unfamiliar. A boy/girl with Y/Hl (Hair length) Y/hc hair.

I try to get a glance of their face, but they hide it by looking down. I just start to smile a bit. Seems like they are new and very shy. But I actually understand it. I mean.. the school might seem scary when you're the first day in it. I think I'll help them maybe.. I mean.. everyone needs someone who shows you around. For me this person were actually two persons. Andy and Remmy. For Rem it was Seb. And yeah.. Seb met a girl who helped him.

~ Time Skip to the end of the class ~


I survived the first class! Yes! The teacher leaves the room and I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I turn to the side and see the boy with the brown hair. Just now I see his eyes. They are really beautiful. They are like something between green and blue. You know what I mean?

I notice that I stare at him. I shake my head and immediately look away again. He starts to laugh a bit.

"Hey. I'm Emerson. What's your name?", he says.

I look back to him. He smiles to me.

"Y... Y/N...", I stutter.

"Y/N. That's a really beautiful name. Can I ask where your from Y/N? Like.. I haven't seen you here.."

"S.. sure.. I'm from *insert city name*. My dad, my brother and I moved here a few days ago. My dad got a new job here and.. yeah.."

"Thanks for the answer. I'm actually also not from here. I was born in Vegas. But my mom, my brothers and I moved here when I was 4."

"Oh. Did your mom get a new job here back then?"

"Well.. no.. actually.. we moved after our father left.."

"Oh.. I.. I'm so sorry to hear that.."

"You don't have to be. I'm actually not that sad about it. My brothers told me that he abused our mother. And well.. if this is true I'm glad he's gone."

I nod. He smiles.

He seems nice. I like him.

No Love In LA - Emerson Barrett x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now