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5 months later ( i have one more time skip until the story actually begins) 

Josie: it's been 8 months since the incident happed I have 1 more month until I haven't been talking my sister is getting worse she has a breakdown every time something doesn't go her way um I heard 10 of the most powerful people  are coming to my sister party next month I won't be going  am just going to stay in my room because I don't want to be yelled at like last years but yea other than that I have been getting bullied at school everywhere I go I have people telling me I will never be like my sister even tho I don't care it still hurts I use to have one friend but she switched up and became friends with my sister 


they are 14 years old in this flashback I changed their names to Sofia and josie and the friend name in faith 

Josie: hi faith I missed you ( try to hug her)

faith: don't touch me loser um we can't be friends we are about to be in 10th grade I can't be seen with a loser like u ok so forget we were ever friend if u were more like your sister then maybe yea but your not your just and ugly fat loser I going to befriend with your sister 

Josie : (sobs) that how you feel 

faith: yes you ugly cow (punches and kicks her in the face ) 

Josie : (sobbing louder ) (screams) ok ok stop, please 

(faith doesn't stop ) 

(Josie going in and out she can't see or breathe)

faith: (laughing) hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhhahahhahahhahahahhaha you ugly fat cow 

(Josie passes out from  the pain)

end of flashback 

Josie pov

so I haven't had a friend since then I don't mind though I like to be alone  that day was the day I said to myself I will forever be alone no one would ever want me as a mate but I dream about have a lot of kids I can take care of and love with everything I have and be a better parent than mines were to me 

unknow pov

i cant wait till we find out which one is the chosen one so we could finally meet our bio daughter that was planted in some else without our permission and kill the people that ever wronged her 


we got to see into the pass of Josie and i am not liking it  do u think faith is in the wrong for what she did or what she did was justified because josie is a loser 

thank you so much for 113 reads that means a lot please comment what yall think and what book should i update a please follow me to know when i am updating i am going to try to post a chapter every week 

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