As our eyes met I immediately slightly bowed my head.

''President Putin'' I said formally to not let go of any emotions. He didn't really react at first, watching me with his sharp cold eyes before pointing his hand towards the chair that was in front of everyone else.

''Sit down please.'' He said with an almost robotic tone. I didn't hesitate and sat down as the many men stared at every movement I made. I felt exposed in front of everyone and started fixing my skirt and hair. Putin didn't leave his sight of me, our eyes met and a quiet moment went passed as I did everything I could to understand his feelings right now but at this point it was impossible. The men now looked at the President to start the meeting. Putin doesn't move but looks down on his papers before sitting forward.

''Fellow ministers and-''He looked at me ''...workers, let's start this meeting with our first and main topic.'' He looked down onto his papers again.''My assistant, miss Y/l'' He sounded uncomfortable saying those words. Uncomfortable that so many were to discuss about me. He continued.

''Minister of Massmedia and communication Maxut Igorevich Shadayev, why don't you start.'' Putin looked over to a bigger man with big black glasses. It was clear Putin didn't even want to talk about it as he seemed more and more uneasy. The big man straighten himself and cleared his voice.

''Yes thank you Mr President.'' The minister stood up. ''So gentlemen on your tables you have papers with statistics and info about the recent massmedia affect.'' He paused to clear his voice again ''Internationally''. The men started going through their papers. I didn't get any of those papers which made me agitated. It felt like some sort of trail where I had no power. It made me feel silly and like I wasn't taken seriously. There was chatting in the room as people started to discuss what was said on the papers. People were being shady, looking at me and whispering, laughing and smirking. I looked over to Maxim who smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled a bit back, but in sorrow. I looked quickly at Putin who was reading through the paper without looking up or talking to anyone else. Minister Shadayev interrupted the chatting.

''As all of you can see, our missy right here has caused quite a media storm. She has single handedly brought in more International interest in to Kremlin than the night our Soviet fell. With interest rates sky rocketing up to 98% from 48%.'' He paused as mumbling could be heard around the room. ''And...'' He waited for people to be quiet. ''And the public opinion of our party and President Putin has sky rocketed thanks to her speech but also overall appearance, which has also made people madly interested in not only her but in President Putin too. Many medias from all around the globe has begged to get interviews and more inside over who our miss Y/l is and her connection to President Putin.This is something that is dominating the media which has a 99,7% positive feedback internationally. Now, that was just the facts gentlemen, feel free to express your opinions.'' He sat down. As I think all of us were blown away from that information, I wasn't very shocked. Surprised over how much effect I had just by being on TV once, barely. I looked around the room as I was scared to meet Putins face. Some official lean towards me and said.

''I'm more curious about what miss Y/l thinks actually.'' He said it very provoking with a smirk. Everyone looked at me now, I took a breath before responding.

''I-'' I took another breath ''I just don't know. I didn't plan any of this, I didn't even wanna be on TV to begin with.'' I looked down onto the floor. The official chuckled and backed onto his seat.

''Clearly'' He said ironically. I felt a lump in my stomach and throat. Without thinking I spout out.

''It's true! I never wanted this attention.'' I almost yelled at the official who now looked visibly offended but before he could say anything Maxim leaned over to us from the side and interrupted.

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