A Night in the Maze

Start from the beginning

Suddenly there was a loud rumble that almost made him fall off the ledge. He managed to regain his balance. He stood in the middle waiting for another rumble.

"Phew," he sighed. Suddenly before he could take another step forward, he felt his stomach fly up into his throat and he fell off his feet onto his butt. He realised he was moving up. A short moment passed, and it stopped.

He stared down and realised that the pathway he walked along had risen a hundred feet. It was so high that he shrieked and stumbled back. He was becoming more terrified by the minute.

Just as he felt his heart banging up against his chest, he heard another rumble. Turning his head to the side, he saw another wall had arisen. There was ivy hanging from the side. Just then an idea formed into his head. It was a very crazy idea. It would be sprint and then run across and leap across.

Edward look down and saw how high it was. A sure slip would send him plunging to his death. But he promised himself he would find his brother. Raising his head up, he stood back a good twenty metres. He aligned his vision with the edge of the wall.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," he sighed. He took a deep breath look up at the ivy vines. "Okay," he readied his feet. "Three. Two. One!" he sprinted to the edge and with a leap of face, he jumped across the gap and grabbed the vines. He clung onto them tight but his hand wound stung so much that he roared in pain.

Managing to push his feet against the stone walls, he stood up against the concrete and started climbing up again. After ten painful tugs on the vines, he managed to reach the top and pushed himself up. He was alright.

He looked back at the platform which he had leapt off. He sighed in relief again. He walked to the edge of the platform. He looked down and saw there were more platforms each one getting lower and lower, forming some sort of staircase.

Taking deep inhales and exhales on each tall step down, Edward leapt from platform to platform. His feet grew more worn out with every jump and already he was beginning to get bruises and little scratches.

After the fifth jump onto the fifth platform down, he looked down spotting another wall of ivy vines. This was his chance to get down and find his brother. First, he checked around to make sure there were no Grievers roaming nearby.

"Nothing," he said. Still he heard more rumbling all around. Looking around in the far distance, he saw structures of stone rising, falling, shifting aside as if to block pathways like doors.

Before he could even touch a vine, he heard the voice again in his head again.

"Edward..." it was still the same girl speaker. Her voice sounded sweet.

"Yes. Yes. I'm here," Edward almost believed he was going mental doing this.

"The Grievers are closing in on your brother. You need to get down,"

Edward's heart jumped.


Instantly Edward swung his legs over the side and he grabbed a vine. Looking up at the dark sky, he put pressure on his feet against the stone walls and started abseiling down the vines doing little jumps in between to get down faster.

Once he reached the bottom, he saw nothing but tall walls towering around him. This was going to more difficult.

"Hello," he called again, hoping the speaker would call again and perhaps serve as his guide around the maze.

Sure if she knows he's in danger, then she must know how to get to him.

He called again and again but still there was no answer.

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