Chapter Fourteen- In Filch's Office*

Start from the beginning

There's a look in Talitha's hazel eyes and James doesn't like it.

'That's not what I meant.'

Talitha mutters a spell, causing his trousers to disappear into a puff of smoke.

James eyes widen as he stares with disgust at Talitha.

'What in Merlin was what that for? How am I going to leave now?'

Talitha smirks, shrugging her shoulders.

'Ce qui sera sera. Like I said no one disagrees with me.'

Talitha exits the cubicle, ensuring no one is around then leaves the toilet.

James flustered as he tries to think of a way to exit, without anyone seeing him in his boxers.


For the next couple of weeks this was James and Talitha's routine.

They couldn't keep their hands off of each other.

They'd constantly frustrate each other but that just made them want each other more.

One of them would do something to annoy the other. They'd argue. And then they'd fuck.

Talitha would always do something afterwards to purposely annoy James. And he'd fall for it every single time.

It was always cold and blunt, they got to the point. There wasn't anything soft about their arrangement.

But that's what they wanted.


Talitha feels someone's hands on her waist as she's pulled back into a broom cupboard. In the darkness she can't see who it is.

There's a creaking behind her, feeling uneasy she grabs for her wand.

Talitha turns around, throwing her arms around the figure. She throws them to the wall, her forearm across their collarbone whilst her other hand, with her wand in it, is at the figures neck.

She tightens her grip on the wand, shouting out a spell. 'Lumos!'

Talitha looks at the face, her eyes widening as she looks at the green eyes.

It's James Potter.

'Talitha!' James chokes, struggling to talk properly with Talitha's arm gripping him.

'Potter! What the fuck?' Talitha whispers, removing her arm from across his collarbone but keeping her wand on his neck.

'Surprise?!' James whispers with an innocent grin on his face.

'Hasn't anyone ever told you not to capture someone and throw them into a dark room? Do you have any fucking brains? How the fuck are you head boy?!' Talitha cross as she speaks to James.

'Woah! Calm down.' James says throwing his hands up, before a frown enters his face. 'And don't question my intelligence, I earned every right to be head boy!'

Talitha cackles at him, removing her wand from his neck. 'Oh right, yeh I'm sure! It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you are a Gryffindor.'

James annoyed as he replies. 'Being a Gryffindor has absolutely nothing to do with it. Just because no one from Slytherin has ever done anything of importance!'

James takes his wand out also casting the Lumos spell, so that it isn't as dark in the room.

Talitha scoffs at James. 'Oh please, school is the only place you and your puny Gryffindors shall succeed. Us Slytherins are trained for the real world. So prepare yourself, when one day you'll be working for us!'

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