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Warning!!! Game spoilers


"I told you.".

You turned on your heels.

Nobody was behind you.

"I tried to protect you and you wouldn't listen.".

You followed the voice up to the tree branches.

You gave a little gasp as you found the 11th of the Fatui Harbingers sitting on one of them.

You couldn't say he looked a mess, but he looked tired.

His face bore significant lack of sleep, and his eyes looked sad.

Instead of the glistening blue of the summer ocean waves, you were met with a brewing storm.

The two of you were sleep deprived, tired of everything, lost.

As you stood there on the lake, and he sat on the tree branches.

There was silence between you, as Childe slipped off the tree and onto the grass.

You felt like crying.

He was right...

He was right all along...

He's here to tell you to run back into his arms...

To tell you that he's here for you....


You sobbed.


You dashed towards him and tried to hug him, only to be pushed to the ground.

You winced, your body still aching, only to look up at his face.

"Not so fast, Lady Y/N...".

He gave a little smirk as he advanced on you, then setting a heavy boot on your body, pinning you to the ground.

"C-Childe!! What are you doing?!".

"I never said you can come running back to me and expect me to welcome you with open arms...".

He sunk his boot in harder, making you squeal.


"I'm Lord Tartaglia now...Lady Y/N. How dare you call me by Childe...".

He spat out the name as if it was poison.

Swiping a hand over his face, he had put on his mask, and his skin got paler, his clothes changing to purple as he activated his Delusion.

"Remember me, Y/N?" he said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice in seeing you squirm.

He took his foot off you, and dragged you to your feet.

You stumbled a bit before regaining your composure.

You got into your battle ready pose, facing him.

"Come at me.".

"Oh ho, darling, I thought you were smarter than to go off against a Harbinger...the 11th one at that...".

He materialised his dagger quicker than you could say "Harbinger", and quickly dashed towards you, dealing a blow to your already wounded body.

"Say it again, sweetie...say "come at me" again. Please...I love it...I love...the blood coming out of your body...so red...".

He eyed the blood dripping fown your clothes with hungered eyes.

"It suits you so well, princess...".

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