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Soon, you had both packed your things and gotten on the ship to take you both to Fontaine.

For extra measures, you had two Fatui Agents come along, although they will not be attending the ball.

"We should reach there the eveninh before the ball. Take this time to relax, sweetheart...".

Childe grinned at you.

But his face fell when he saw your heartbroken one.

"Hm? Y/N? Do you not like the idea of going on this mission? If so, you could have just-".

Then it hit him.

The last time you had been on a ship you were being taken away from your family.

By him.

He nearly slapped himself.

Did he even ever apologise for that..?!

"My baby girl...".

Childe sat beside you, taking your small, cold hands in his bigger, rougher ones.

You looked at him with a look of heartbreak in your eyes, as they slowly welled up with tears.

Childe kissed you slowly and passionately, to show you just how much he truly loved you. With a hand on your waist, he deepened it, and then parted with you, leaving you wanting more.

He took your face in his hands.

"Sweetie, I will always be there for you, always be your family. You would have never been this happy if I didn't take you away from that pit of hell...y'know, the moment I saw you so disheveled and upset at that time at the lake I knew something was up 'cause a lady like you wouldn't ever be upset if she lived in such luxury...".

He held you closer.

"You don't belong there. You never did.".

He kissed the whale insignia on your neck.

"You belong to me...and I'll always protect you...".

You looked up into his eyes.

The soft blue you loved so much.


He gave a soft smile.

"Pinkie promise.".

He lifted his pinkie and you took it firmly in yours.

"You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life. You break a pinkie promise, I'll throw you on the ice. The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, and the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again!!".

You gave him a look.

"Haha...an old nursery rhyme of ours!!".

You sighed in happiness as you lay your head on his chest.

Maybe he was the best family you've ever had.


Childe was right.

A few days later, you found yourselves in Fontaine.

"I've actually never been to Fontaine myself...this is going to be interesting...".

You slowly got off the boat together.

Fontaine was a lively place, full of chatter and children running around.

It was similar to Snezhnaya just...minus the snow.

But you didn't get to explore much of it, as you and Childe were rushed into a carriage pulled by horses, as the hotel was a bit far off from the docks.

Codename: ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now