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it had been 3 weeks, they started to meet eachother almost every day. the moment jinsoul would come and sit there jungeun would rush downstairs and hug the other girl. they used to sit there and share small talks filled with giggles and laughter's.


“i have a small dimple here” jungeun smiled, she brought jinsoul’s hand and placed on her left cheek so she could feel the dimple. “ahaha it's small like really small to be just small” jinsoul said and jungeun just understood it.

“i brought these cookies for you” jinsoul said opening a small box that was wrapped in purple plastic which had small red hearts over it.

“aw jinsoul you're so cute, you didn't have to do this much for me” jungeun said in an awe, she thought jinsoul was really adorable.

“if this is for me then I want to share this with you, here open your mouth” jungeun took out a cookie and broke it into a perfect half, one for herself and the other one for jinsoul.

they loved eachother's company, jungeun makes silly jokes and jinsoul always laughs at it, even though if it wasn't funny at all she would always laugh just for jungeun.

sometimes they used to walk around the neighborhood, hands intertwined with eachother's.


“oh my god tomorrow is your birthday ?” jungeun asked.

“yes yes it is”

“if so then i’ll surely wish you, also you know I think you'll look really good in blue colour jinsoul, I think it will suit you” jungeun said walking around the footpath along with jinsoul, holding hands.

“hmm is it so ?” jinsoul hummed, she was thinking would she really look good in blue ? cause she has never seen how blue colour actually looks like but since jungeun said she agreed that she may look good in it.

“yes” jungeun smiled, returning back to their regular spot. “i should go now I have some pending works to do, so see you tomorrow” jungeun said facing towards jinsoul.

“yes sure, take care jungeun”

“you too take care” jungeun replied placing a kiss on jinsoul’s knuckles, making the black haired girl blush.

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