Chapter 1

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Leo looked at the two separate lines in front of the majestic gates of Shalom, one of the Veiled Ones and the other of the Anons. He couldn't help but notice the differences in treatment. Shalom is the shining city built on top of the magical catacombs of caves known as the mother's womb, the only remnant from the birthing days of the Universe Areliam. From its immaculately clean streets to its beautiful residential and work buildings, to its tranquil parks and lakes, everything is maintained through the labor of the enslaved Veiled Ones. However, the only ones allowed to enjoy all these services are the Anons and a few chosen token Veiled Ones on their side. 

Even now on such a joyous day when the mother's womb is going to give life to another being, an event that hasn't happened since the birth of the three primordial races, it is only the Veiled Ones who have restricted entrance to the city. The line with the Anons had but only one guard, who served more as an informant to the traveling Anons about the various places to see in Shalom — that line was moving extremely fast. However, there was a mile-long line of Veiled Ones all being questioned and searched thoroughly before entering the city. It's so pathetically funny that the Veiled Ones waiting to get in today, looked upon with so much suspicion and distrust, are the same Veiled Ones without whom the city of Shalom will stop functioning, thought Leo.

As he stood with his parents in the line for Veiled Ones to enter Shalom, he couldn't help but think what is the point of all this? The Anons, controllers of elements, called Elementals, creators of elements, tyrants, and all but eradicated them only to become tyrants themselves! 

He took a look at the gleaming entrance to Shalom and then another at how the Veiled Ones waiting in line were being treated and it reminded him of his mother's gold-plated jewelry. His father Calaren had bought a beautiful shiny gold-plated necklace for his mother June. But when she tried to wear it later, they saw that the shine had already worn off. His mother had shrugged and said, "well cheap things always do show their true colors sooner rather than later". Leo had just realized the true meaning of those words right now. 

It's a cheap trick! The Anons can't possibly run everything by themselves. We Veiled Ones are keepers of knowledge and magic. We were the ones who taught both the Anons and the Elementals to use their powers in the first place. They need us! However, the Anons don't want us to know that, lest we claim our rightful place as their equals! I can't be the only one seeing this though. It's so obvious that others must see this too! So, why isn't anyone else saying anything against this?

Seeing his son getting so restless Calaren reached out touched Leo's shoulders and said "Remember what we talked about Leo."

"Don't worry I'll remember not to raise any questions." Leo replied while shaking off his father's hand.

June reached out to hold Leo's hand, smiled, and said "It's for our own good sweetheart". Leo took a hard look at both of his parents. Calaren was a handsome, lean, tall middle-aged bald black man who looked much younger than his age. June was around the same age as Calaren, who also looked much younger. She was plump with very short but thickly lustrous hair. However, now both of their beautiful faces were covered in fear. Before Leo could say something to calm them, one of the Anon guards signaled the person in front of them to step forward.

"What is your name and what are you doing here?" Asked the guard in a suspicious voice.

"My name is Jeriah Gourmetdine and I work at Snack Stop store in Shalom Square," answered Jeriah.

"Really? That shop is incredibly famous and they have a high-quality standard in all things. I have never seen you around here before though. Now you aren't lying just to get in town for the festivities, are you?" Asked the guard in a tone that can only be described as the 'you do not belong here' pitch.

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