c h a p t e r ▪︎ 1 2 (continued)

Start from the beginning

"Same here, Min. I'll do whatever I can to help."

Everybody is so enthusiastic and determined about their work here! Just the kind of work environment I always needed.

"And that's his twin sister, Kim; the sweetest person here with kinda similar responsibility. She hosts all our events, takes care of the special guests, and co-manages duties with Lexi."

Kim is a cute-looking girl, with the same smile as her brother, with straight bangs that give her a school girl look. "Hi, Willow! So happy to meet you. We loved your ideas and cannot wait to work with you!"

I chuckled at her jumpy demeanor, "Of course! I'm just as excited as you are."

"Alright, then," Wade began, "now that the introductions are out of the way, let's proceed with the significant task that officially connects Willow with PRIZM. So, Tanner, Min... if you will please bring it?"

Bring what?

I stayed silent as the rest beamed, eagerly waiting for Tanner and Min to return as much as I did. When the two men id return, I saw that they were holding a box very carefully as if it was made of glass.

I frowned, "What's that?"

"See for yourself," Tori replied with a mischievous grin.

Once Tanner and Min placed the box on the center table, Wade came forward and uncovered the box, revealing a red velvet cake that had 'WELCOME WILLOW!' written over it. A silent gasp escaped my mouth and there was one thing question that instantly came to my mind.

"How did you guys know that red velvet is my absolute favorite?" The delicious aroma of the cake had already filled up the room.

"Wade told me and so I ordered," said Daisy.

I quickly shot an amazed look at him, "I'm flattered by this welcome, really. But still... how did you know that?"

He shrugged, "Don't give that look. Tori helped me with it."

"Okay, I seriously don't understand," I frowned and laughed while glancing at Tori. "How did you got to know that?"

Suddenly, Tori seemed a bit hesitant to answer my question that only made me more curious.

"Uh, you know how I've been visiting the Drive lately..."

And that was enough for me to know the answer.

"Cara told you," I stated with a smirk.

She smiled nervously, "Yeah, you can say that. We're now good friends since the interview happened."

Goodness Gracious. I have a feeling that Ben's feeling is becoming a reality here. And I'm already loving this.

I beamed at her, "That's great news, Tori. I'm so happy to know that. All along, this was the reason why you met her - I mean, why you met us."

"Yeah, that is crazy. But Cara is really a great friend and so good with all the fashion stuff and trends. I haven't met Ben, but from what all I've heard, he seems like the party of your group."

"And you won't be disappointed. He's much more than that, haha."

"Yeah, we didn't meet your friend Ben," Wade said from beside me.

"You were there just for a day, remember?" Lexi spoke up mockingly.

I'm loving how people here are just how they describe themselves as; family members. They tease each other, work as a team, and celebrate things together with joy. Where the hell was Wade Samuels all this time?

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