Chapter 1

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As Brittany walked down the empty halls, she couldn't help but be what was probably way too hesitant about this whole thing. She can't screw up again. She just can't.

"I think this'll be a nice change" Her mom, Whitney said, walking a little faster to keep up with her daughter.

"Hopefully" She mumbled in reply.

They finally got to the room they were looking for and Whitney knocked on the single door labelled 'principal's office'

"Ah! you must be Brittany Peirce" A man says as he swings the door open. The short man had a welcoming smile which eased Brittany's nerves... only a little.

"In the flesh!" She chirped in reply.

"I'm Mr Figgins, the Principal of William McKinley High school" He explained. Brittany slowly nodded and whined a little to herself because the friendly smiled that eased her nerves only seconds ago, had now become creepy as she couldn't quite put her finger on why.

after Figgins ushered the two women in, they then sat down on the only two seats in front of his desk.

"We are very excited to have you be apart of the WMHS family this year" He smiled. "Although there are a few things I would like to discuss," Brittany internally groaned upon hearing this because he knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. "It has come to my attention that you were expelled at your last school for attacking another student-"

"That wasn't even my fault! He was a va-" Brittany immediately cut herself off because no way is she bringing her old life here. "... he was a... very bad person" She sighed.

"Yes well, if you are going to be a student at this school I need to make sure that this kind of behaviour won't be happening" Figgins raised his eyebrow are the blonde and in that moment she felt completely see through.

"It won't be happening again. Isn't that right Britt?" Her mom replied. Brittany glanced over to her to see her mom looking right at her. Brittany looked over to Figgins and nodded.


Brittany completely zoned out for the rest of the meeting.


The sound of Taylor swift's The Man played loudly through her phone and she reached her arm out to turn off her alarm.

"Brittany honey time to get up! don't want to be late for the first day of school!" She heard her mom call from downstairs. She let out a deep breath of annoyance, mentally preparing herself for the day ahead.

"No... no we do not" She mumbled to her empty room.

Twenty minutes later she found herself in her closet (not like that she came out last year) desperately searching for an outfit that wasn't too much for school, but also wasn't too casual since she was fully aware she would be the new kid in a small town. And if her movie knowledge served her correctly, everyone would know that she was new to the school within an hour or so.

After finally picking an outfit that fit her criteria, she made her way downstairs and saw that her mom had already prepared her breakfast, and left it on the table for her.

"There you are. I thought you were never going to get out of bed" Whitney laughed, walking into the kitchen.

"I mean I was going to stay asleep for another hour like I normally do, but I figured as your daughter it's my job to keep you on your toes" The younger blonde replied sarcastically. Her mother laughed in reply and simply reminded her that she had about 15 minutes before she had to be out the door.

"Oh and one more thing before you head off" her mom turned around and said before she walked out of the kitchen.

"What's up?"

Prophecy Girl (Brittana AU)Where stories live. Discover now