New Diary Entry (1/2)

129 4 69

Cody felt himself blackout momentarily as his back slammed into the rockface; he swore as he watched Obi-Wan go flying, rolling across the floor in unconsiousness.

They'd separated from the rest of the group after Obi-Wan had gone tree jumping at the end of the battle. Waxer and Boil reassured him the clean up was fine and that they could take some moments off; it still didn't feel right.

But Obi-Wan needed the time to relax more than the feeling.

He still wished he went with the feeling: especially when he saw the glowing eyes in the distance coming for Obi-Wan.


"Sirs, hasn't General Kenobi and Commander Cody meant to have reported back by now?"

Waxer turned from the report he was writing to look over at the trooper. He was a part of Tooka Squad, he noted. "I'm sure there is a reason, and the General needs the space for the Tooka to calm, as you know."

Laser shuffled his feet before going ramrod straight, "they were meant to report in hours ago."

Waxer stood up, placing the datapad down with a little more force than strictly needed. "How long have they been gone?"

"Four and counting, Tree has gone out with the rest of the squad in the direction they were last seen heading," Laser stated, "they have comms on them."

"Good," Waxer nodded, "we need to set out other groups."


"Medic to Seven Trill Forn Jenth Four Six Six Eight Two Six Six Four. Medic to Seven Trill Forn Jenth Four Six Six Eight Two Six Six Four. Two unconscious, landmine explosions, impact and animal attack. Medic to Seven Trill Forn Jenth Four Six Six Eight Two Six Six Four."


"By the scratches, I've been able to tell that the two of them were attacked by Tookas," Wrap stated, "this might be because the Tookas took them as easy prey."

"How are both of them?"

"The bacta on hand took care of most of the injuries; the Commander seemed to have been protecting the General and would have been more seriously hurt without his armour," Wrap sighed, "but the Commander has bruised ribs on his right side though, from being thrown presumably into the wall from the landmine. He'll need about a week of bacta treatment for those."

"Do we have to worry about a transformation happening?" Waxer asked.

"I do not know; we have no proof of how these transformations happen," Wrap stated.

"Didn't General Kenobi bite General Skywalker before?"

"No, I checked it over; there was no skin break," Wrap sighed, "he was telling him off, not doing damage. The blood was from General Kenobi's mouth; he bit his tongue before when he was hissing."

"Let's just focus on what we do know," Waxer sighed.


"Why are you stripping them?" Boil asked, entering the gunship.

"We don't know if they will transform," Waxer shrugged.

"Nore do we know what transforming in full armour will do," Wrap stated, "the General previously was out of his armour already."

"So it was a Tooka attack," Boil groaned.



The gunship occupants startled as they crossed into the destroyer; Cody screamed out, clutching his side. They watched as both General and Commander curled into themselves, transforming.

Obi-Wan "Tooka" KenobiWhere stories live. Discover now