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so not a lot of people know about this song and jooheon is underappreciated in general but this is monsta x main rapper yall

like i'm not even a monbebe but he's my bias

he had me shookt, i want another cover of that song :')

"stacy, huh?," seungmin, one of jisung's friends asked with a lifted brow, "that's a new high dude, that girl is literally a dream."

"nothing happened, guys, she just fell asleep on my shoulder," jisung explained with annoyance.

"yeah, that's girls' language for 'i wanna sleep with you'," hyunjin, another guy in the group, added.

"that's the first step, dude," felix encouraged, "then she's gonna ask you to button her dress or tell you she's cold so that you give her your sweater."

"ugh, stop, guys, i'm not even into her.. i mean, i'm not sure..," jisung corrected and looked down into his plate, hoping to bury this conversation in the past.

"yeah, don't fall for it, han-ah," changbin, the oldest, giggled, "women are full of shit."

"yah, stop it, hyung. he has a shot with the prettiest girl at school," hyunjin scolded and turned to his friend, "tell me, is she as pretty at home as she is her-," he started but couldn't finish because he saw her approach.

"hey, jisung," she smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "do you want to hang out on thursday at my house?"

the boys' eyes widened and they waited for jisung's reply excitedly.

"sure, stacy," he put on a little smile and nodded.

"great," she chimed and smacked her lips together, probably to make sure the gloss was coating them evenly, "see you later, ji," she waved with her big acrylic claws that had changed colour and turned around to leave. he lifted a hand uncomfortably and sent her off with a bit of relief.

"why don't you ask her out?," felix suggested as soon as she was far enough not to hear.

"because.. i like her house," jisung reasoned and earned giggles from all of his friends.

"damn, you say you don't like her but you wanna have private time all alone. you're such a sneaky squirrel," seungmin chuckled. jisung pouted and rolled his eyes. nobody was even trying to understand him.


"hey! sorry i'm late," stacy opened the door with a hairflip and smiled at her guest.

"it's okay.. i didn't wait long," the boy awkwardly assured, wondering why minho didn't welcome him.

"do you prefer the living room or.. my room," she offered and pulled up her skirt so that only about 8cm of her legs were covered below the underwear.

"the living room," he honestly returned and she smacked her lips together but took him by the hand into the room.

"do you want a coffee? are you hungry?," she asked and went to the fridge.

"you can get me a coffee if that's alright," he quietly asked and pulled out his phone. it was the premiere of demon slayer's new movie but he couldn't go because he promised to be here. he sighed.

"of course," stacy's annoyingly high voice brought him back to reality, "i also made cookies," she explained and a couple of seconds later she was handing him a plate with adorable chocolate chip cookies and a coffee.

"thanks. you're really good at cooking, huh?," he giggled and took a cookie from the plate, "they look so professional."

"yeah, right? they're not too hard to do," she smiled and sat down facing him.

"haha, i bet they'd be hard for me," jisung chuckled and took another one to make her reconsider the closeness, "maybe you can teach me how to make them," he suggested, hopeful to thus fill their time.

"like now?," she exclaimed in the thinnest possible voice, "don't be ridiculous, there are so many other things we could do," she smiled and fluttered her lashes.

"yes, you're right," he nodded and took a sip of his coffee, "there are so many movies i'd like to watch too," he smiled and leaned back, looking at the tv.

"um, yes, there are.. but, since we're alone tonight..," she started and tilted her head to the side a little and her glossy lips shone as if they were covered with glitter. gloss always looked very sticky to jisung, he preferred matte lipsticks.

"we are?," he exclaimed and tried to hide a disappointed pout, "where's your brother?"

"out. on a cinema date," stacy informed, looking up to him slowly, "i don't think he will be back in the next few hours," she quietly added and fluttered her lashes again.

"uh.. great," jisung replied with an effort, "we won't bother him then," he looked to the front again, waiting for a movie to be played.

stacy sighed but played another comedy to watch.

again, before it was over, she fell asleep, but jisung couldn't leave her all alone in the house with the door unlocked. he decided to wait for minho to return.

ok idk why but the little star* and my notes just won't stay to the left as i wanted ugh

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