Chapter 18: Mistakes of fools

Start from the beginning

The tapping stopped. You clenched at the counter instead with your left hand while your right hand holds the glass of alcohol. While Ash watches the interesting drama behind his Mistress. Shiro will be jealous when he told him about this.

"Why are you guys doing this?" Nami whispered in disbelief. She glanced at you and clench her free hand into a fist in anger.

You're not doing anything too. Why are you letting these bastards talk shit your brother?!

"Pacifism. That must sound nice to you. On top of being weak, you have no pride. You won't accept any fight, and yet your head is full of dreams. Just like worms!" He shouted the last part confidently.

"YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!" The people around him agreed with him with enthusiasm. 

Oh~ If only they can see the dark mist around you that came from Yami right now~

"Enough! Enough! The kid looked so weak, but he had that 30 million berries for his head. Ya know, I wondered what kind of man he is. Turns out, he's just a disappointment not worth my interest! I've never seen two bigger cowards..." Bellamy took a big load of alcohol to his mouth then spew it all over Luffy's face. 

You hear your brother cough lightly and you tighten your hold on the glass. 

'This motherfucker.....'

"Oi, get these guys out of here. They're eyesores" Bellamy ordered with a sadistic grin visible on his face.

You watched Zoro get kicked on the back of his head and Luffy got slammed on the nearest big window. 

"Hey, ladies!" Both of you and Nami glance at the shoulder-length blue-haired bastard who sits confidently just a few meters away from you, while Ash hisses in anger.

"You two won't survive the coming era staying with those two.  I'll buy both of you of them. How much do you go for?" Nami glared at the man while you laugh your head off in amusement, surprising Ash.

'I will kill all of you~!'

All of the attention turns to you and your laugh quiet down slowly. Releasing a few snickers and giggling your grin turns to a smirk. 

You glanced at Nami and Nami's eyes widened in fear as she saw your eyes glow for a very short time.

She'll Become The Strongest (OnePiecexFemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now