Chapter Ten - A Match Into Water

Start from the beginning

"I'm guessing both Skye and Sammie's cars are complete write-offs then?" 

"Skye's car burnt out, there's practically nothing left of it. Sammie's will probably be fixable but it'll take quite a bit of work to get the front of the car back to some reasonable looking state and to fix the internal damage to the engine and whatever." 

"So what exactly happened? I want to know everything from when your car hit Skye's until now."

He sighed and paused for a second as if weighing up the options. Whether to tell me, or fob me off with some lie until he deemed I was ready to know. I wanted to know now. I need to know how I got out and who to thank that Skye's not a burnt out corpse in a morgue. Finally, he started talking.

"We all noticed pretty quickly that it was us that had hit Skye's car. The spinning of her car and meant the flames were spreading quicker and had taken over more of the car than before. We made Sammie wait in the people carrier while Tony, Mike and I approached the car which had landed in an overgrown ditch off the side of the road. Skye was pretty much pressed up against the only side window that wasn't smashed with you facing out between her and the flames. It would have been stupidly dangerous to try and smash the window with your faces so close to it so Mike got a rock and smashed the back windscreen instead. The flames were getting ridiculously high so we knew we had to get you out but worried that we'd hurt either of you more than we already had. We tried to wait for the emergency services but we knew it would be too late. I grabbed Skye and pulled her out through the back and carried her across the road, lying her on the floor next to the people carrier while Tony and Mike got you and did the same. Sammie was hysterical when she realised Skye wasn't breathing and somehow between the two of them her and Mike got her heart going again although it was really, really weak. We had to resuscitate her 3 times before the emergency services arrived and it's a good job they did as the car exploded just as we heard them pulling up down the street. Skye was taken by air ambulance as she desperately needed surgery to take the pressure off her heart and correct her ribs as one of them had punctured her lung. They inflated her lungs as soon as the surgery was over and now she's in Intensive Care on a ventilator as she can't yet breathe on her own again."

My eyes filled with tears as I listened to him talk. This was all my fault. If I'd of just let Jess talk to me but not have spent the night or met up with her again everything would have been okay. Skye wouldn't have got upset or driven off and crashed her car. We wouldn't be here. I hated myself more than ever before. More than when Jess left me all those years ago. I would never forgive myself for this. Ever. 

I was lost in my thoughts when a nurse came in and examined the machines around my bed and checked the IV drip connected to my arm before pulling Vic to the side and mumbling quietly, what were they talking about? Probably how stupid I am and what a mess I've made of myself and everyone else. I studied them more carefully, she smiled at him before walking back over to me and changing something or other with the drip.

"I'm upping your dose of morphine Mr. Preciado. You need to sleep this off, your head will probably sill feel groggy for a few days though. We'll get you to Skye as soon as we can."

I smiled at her gratefully but didn't say anything. There was nothing I could say. I took in her features, she was a little under the average height for a girl making her shorter than Vic and she had fairly long, black hair. She was a slim build with pretty features and a lipring that glinted in the sunlight that was trickling in through a gap in the blinds. She was very pretty all in all and seemed to be getting on very well with Vic.  

I eventually zoned out of reality once again, slipping under into the world of the unkown.  


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