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This was the fourth funeral I had been to in four years.  Summer winds were soon going to swirl through Astrea, bringing the smell of freshly baked bread, and sweet flowers from different markets offshore.  Festivals were to be held any day people were off work, worshiping and thanking the gods for the bounty and blessings they had reaped upon us.  

Yet, amongst all the frivolous chatter of the decorations, and of the leaves turning red, black became a lonely color.

I sat in the back of the burial service.  Four extravagantly empty seats sat down the row, in order of my sisters. The eldest,  Addelynne,  and then the triplets, of course, Rosalie, Naomi, and Hattie. There was Ruth and Vera, who occupied their seats but hadn't spoken a word to me in several years. 

It was quite a lonely life I lead, simple enough that anyone could do it, yet nobody would want to.  I wasn't sure if even I wanted to.

Hattie was laid down, unseeing in the smooth wooden casket that was ready to be released back into the river.   

She had been dressed in an ugly black shroud; something she would have detested.  Before I had the chance to add some garments of color the casket lid had been closed.  Hattie was not a girl of black, rather she preferred bright reds and oranges, accompanied with a simple strand of gold or silver.

She would have hated this place.  Hated how it was decorated in dull colors.  Hated the somber mood of the people here.  Hated the low feelings, and dark wallpapers.  She probably would have even hated the music being played tonight.

It was an awful service, and whoever put it together should be banned from ever doing so again.

"We wish to save travels through the river."  The officiant said, waiting as we all repeated it back to him.  "We pray to the goddess Avyanna for a safe passage through the waters.  To Aofie, to return her to her previously departed sisters, and to Haiti, to bring this young girl back into the stars of the world and to let her find peace."

It is said, that once you pass through the river and into the ocean, you become a spirit.  A spirit who stays to watch over their families, meeting up with old friends.  Eventually, though, memories will start to fade, tides roll in, and the spirits are said to make up stories about how they died while their brains deteriorate.  This keeps happening until the bad parts of the brain are gone, and what's left is the purest part.  A small psychotic struggle to pay, before you find the tranquility of peace in the afterlife when the tide rolls out.

The officiant had finished speaking, telling us it was time to give Hattie a final farewell wish.  It was the last gift of a prayer for a safe passage.  Her sisters were to go last as if the last person that spoke last to Hattie, had the most impact.

People gave Ruth and Vera kisses on the cheek or tilted their chin up while we stood in line.  I was met with silence, but I suppose that's because they believe I am fragile and may break.  It is understandable, especially after my accident.  Sometimes I want to scream when they look at me without meeting my eyes, smile sadly, and walk past.  I stay silent though; Perhaps the accident affected me as well.  Surely it is better to live in silence, and I won't get hurt.

Two of the three constantly adventured out to balls and events.  Spinning the night away with different suitors and each outfit more extravagant than the last.  Out on the pier, they would talk to everyone they ever recognized even if it was only for a brief moment.  Yet they died in a fire, I was at their funeral a year ago.  Now the remaining triplet has just died.  Silence could be the way to save my life.

I bid my final farewells to Hattie, placing a soft kiss on the edge of her casket, but it gets moved out from under my mouth before I could finish.  With a final flourish, the box is dropped into the river below and carried out into the ocean, releasing Hattie's spirit with it.


There goes the first chapter! I am so excited to start this, and it's September 15th

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There goes the first chapter! I am so excited to start this, and it's September 15th.  The Wattys deadline is in fifteen days, and I'm desperately trying to reach the deadline.  This is still my first chapter though so I have quite a bit to go.  I'm so excited for you all to see where this story goes, and I'm excited to pull you along on this crazy adventure.

happy writing! -Elle

This piece is completely written by me.  If there are any references to any characters, places, or themes, it is purely coincidental.  This novel is exclusively on Wattpad so if you notice it anywhere other than here, it has been illegally stolen.  Please notify the author right away if this happens.

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