Angels Don't Sleep

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I sigh quietly, looking out of the window at the night sky. There was no clouds, so I could see the moon and stars clearly. Which always gives me a sense of comfort. I look over at my brothers, who are both sound asleep after a long and exhausting hunt. They deserved it. And, arguably so did I since I did all the research for them. But unfortunately, my mind was still awake even though I wanted to be asleep. I could never sleep easily because of my insomnia. So, most nights I wait for Sam and Dean to fall sleep so I could climb out the window to sit on the roof. I liked the calmness of the night. However, I still wasn't used to having an extra pair of eyes with us. Gorgeous blue ones, might I add.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" A gruff yet quiet voice says from behind me, making me jump. I turn around to look at the angel. He tilts his head "Shouldn't you be asleep?". I purse my lips "Shouldn't you?". He shakes his head "No, angels don't sleep. But I don't understand why you are not". I shrug "Well, I find it... difficult sometimes. So, usually I sit out there until I get tired. Which takes a while". He looks at me, then at the window "You mean... on the roof? You can't do that, Y/n". "Why not? I do it all the time" I reply. He sighs "That doesn't make it any safer". I look at him "Since when did you start caring about my safety?". He pauses, furrowing his eyebrows. Then he shakes his head "No, Y/n. It's too dangerous. I can't let you do that. You are only human. You could fall off the roof and hurt yourself". I smile, shrugging "Well, then you come out with me". I climb up on to the window seat, then open the window before stepping out on to the roof. It isn't a sloped roof, so I won't fall. "Y/n, wait" Cas says. I look back at him and see that he followed me out. He looks a little nervous, so I give him a small smile "It's okay, Cas. I'll be careful". I sit on the tiles as he walks over to me, then sits down himself. I move over a little and he looks at me "You don't have to be afraid of me, Y/n". "What? I'm not scared of you, Cas" I reply. He gives me a look, which makes me chuckle. I sigh, looking away from him "Alright, maybe I am a little. But can you blame me?". He smiles slightly, shaking his head "No, I don't. But I can assure you, I won't hurt you". I smile "I know that. I'm sure you would've already if you wanted to".

He sighs, but doesn't say anything. I look up at the sky "So... what do you prefer, Cas or Castiel?". He looks at me and tilts his head "What?". I shrug "What do you prefer to be called? Cas or Castiel?". The tiniest of smiles appears on his lips "Either one is fine. I respond to both". I grin, poking his arm "That means you like Cas better". He chuckles softly "Yes, I suppose so". I sigh quietly, once again looking at the sky. "You seem to enjoy looking at the stars, Y/n" Cas states quietly. I nod "I do, it's comforting for me". "How so?" He questions. Not in a judgemental way, more just curious. I smile slightly, shrugging "It's weird. But in the hunting life, things are constantly changing. Like, hotel rooms, States, we move around a lot. But the stars always seem to stay the same. No matter where I go, they're always just... there. And I've been struggling with this insomnia for as long as I can remember". "Y/n" He mumbles, gaining my attention. His expression softens, his eyes somewhat resembling a puppy's "I don't think that's weird. It's... nice that you feel a connection. But now you have me. I can help you sleep if you'd like. I'm immortal, so I won't be going anywhere". He reached out to take my hand, but I hesitated. His eyes lock with mine, but they aren't filled with hurt or worry. He seemed to understand my hesitation "I'm not going to hurt you, Y/n. I promise. You can trust me". Feeling tingles at his words, I smile slightly before putting my hand in his "If you can, I would appreciate it if you could try and help me. If it's not too much trouble". He shakes his head "Not at all. Angels don't sleep, remember?". I nod slowly "Right, how can I trust someone who doesn't sleep to help me sleep?". He chuckles "I'm an angel, Y/n. I can help you sleep by using my grace". I frown "Will it hurt?". He shakes his head "No, I said I won't hurt you, Y/n". I sigh "Well, will you help me sleep now? I'm kinda getting tired". He nods "Of course. Come on". He takes my hand and suddenly we're back in the room. Feeling a little dizzy, I hold on to him "What just happened?". "Sorry, I didn't want to risk you falling" He replies, gently making me let go of his sleeve. I smile slightly. If this is how I'll get treated, I'm letting him help me sleep every night.

I climb into my bed under the covers. When I'm settled, Cas quietly approaches before sitting on the edge of my bed. I look up at him "Cas, do you think maybe you could... stay with me? Just for tonight". He smiles softly, nodding "Yes, of course". I pat the space next to me and he moves to sit there. Then I rest my head on his chest "Okay, you can do your grace thingy now". He smiles "Alright".

Third POV

With two of his fingers, he gently presses them to her temple and whispers for her to sleep. "Night, Cassy" She mumbles before her eyes close. Cas soon felt her body lean against him more and her breaths evened out. "Good night, Y/n" He whispers, feeling himself smile at the new nickname. Her head was resting on his chest and despite being so close to her, he didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable. After hearing that she was struggling to sleep for so long, he didn't care. He was glad she was finally getting some rest.

Yes, she did make him help her sleep every night after. And yes, he stayed with her every time.


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