Chapter 4

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*Back with the team*

They land in the Mojave Desert and get off the quinjet. 'May and Skye go left. Ward and Fitzsimmons with me.' Coulson said before they all split off. They searched all the houses. 'May have you found her?' Coulson said through his comms. 'No. You?' May responded. 'No head back to the jet we'll keep searching.' Coulson said and they all made their way back to the jet. When they got back to where the jet had landed, they saw jasmine stood Infront of it. 'Jasmine!' Jemma shouted and started running towards her until jasmine put a ball of fire in her hand. Jemma stopped running and slowly backed up to the others. 'Jasmine?' May questioned. 'I'm really sorry.' 'For what?' May asked. 'This.' Jasmine replied before she sent a wave of air towards them knocking them all out. When the team finally woke up again, they were confused to say the least. No one said a word until they were all back on the bus stood around the table in the meeting room. 'She was nice.' Ward said sarcastically. 'That wasn't her.' Fitz said and everyone looked at him. 'What I mean, is they must have done something or said something to make her turn against us.' 'May, you've been quiet.' Coulson commented. 'Fitz is right. She doesn't turn on people she loves it's not her.' 'Maybe she's just a bad person with bad intentions.' Ward said shrugging his shoulders. May goes to respond but they get a video from an unknown person. 'What's that?' Skye asks. 'It's a video.' Coulson responds. 'From who?' 'Unknown.' Coulson replies before pressing play. 'Hello agents I want you to know that Jasmine chose to go against you. I never did anything she was completely in control of her own actions. I do have one little secret for you that you might want to act upon. Ward is Hydra.' And just like that the video ended. Everyone turned to Ward in shock. Fitzsimmons stepped away from him and Coulson brought out his gun. 'She's lying. She's an enemy that's what they do.' 'We can't take the risk.' Coulson said before he handcuffed ward and put him in the holding cell they have on board.

*Back with Jasmine*

After she knocked them out, she walked away and found Raina. 'I did what you asked can I please go now.' 'Yes, you can but you can't see any of them again otherwise I will order my agents to shoot Coulson's plane out the sky.' 'Fine.' That was the last thing jasmine said before she walked away. 

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