My girl

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A/n Play the music when i say to

Ed's pov
I was driving home when my phone starts beepikg. I realise quickly that it's the trackwr i put on geri!! She's in danger!! I quickly start the the car and drive off to her location

Jasson's pov

I'm standing in geri's apartment about to rape geri. I've always wanted to do this because as disgustingly ginger as she is, she's still smokijg hot

I zip down my trousers and begin to take them off when the door gets knocked down and someone kicks me

Ed's pov
(Start playing the music)

I kick the door down and kick jasson in the back. Then we start fighting. I've been training in every martial arts ever and fencing since i was five so it's easy for me. Jasson pulls out a taser but i easily kick it aside and punch him again. I grab rhe door i knocked down and smacked him in the face 3 times with it. I then kicked him in the shin and tripped him up with my guitar strings. I knocked him in the head with a glass shard and he died

Now i felt bad, but i didnt have time tk think about it as his body guards ran in. James and Bartholemu must've died, but i had more important things to think about

My love's life was ok the line.

I finished up all the guards and went up to the last one.

"Who do you work for?" I asked him questioningly.

"Vic-" he died before he could finish his sentence. I closed his eyes because even though i'm a bad person, i still respect great opponents.

I turn to my ginger queen and waited for her to open her eyes

A/n wasnt this action packed! What will happen to geri next??

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