Chapter 3-Their first conversation and an unexpected friendship

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Jung Eun[POV]:

As Jung Eun went to her assigned seat, she thought of the girl that was seated at the corner of the classroom.

Wow, that girl is really pretty! Maybe I should talk to her later. Jung Eun thought to herself.


Half of the day had gone in a flash. It was time for lunch!

Most of the students ran out of the classroom and ran down the stairs to the cafeteria to have their lunch. Except for Jinsoul, Heejin, Yves, Jung Eun and Kim Ji Woo. 

Kim Ji Woo usually had her lunches prepared by her loving parents, so she did not need to go the cafeteria to have her food, and plus, she did not have any friends, so there was no point going downstairs anyways.

Jung Eun on the other hand, was in this school for the first day, so she wasn't very sure where every place was, so she decided to muster up the courage to ask Jinsoul, who was about to leave the classroom with Heejin and Yves.

"Hey, do you know where the cafeteria is?" Jung Eun asked politely.

Instead of getting a proper answer, she got this instead.

"I don't know, do you?" Jinsoul laughed while replying and left the classroom with Heejin and Yves without saying anything else.

Baffled, Jung Eun went back into the classroom and thought about what she said.

She thought: Why did she say that? Is it because I'm weird? Why?

While she was lost in her train or thoughts, a 'kind' sounding voice interrupted her.

"Hey, are you ok? I'm Kim Ji Woo, or Chuu for short. Nice to meet chuu!"

"Oh hi, I'm Kim Jung Eun, nice to meet you." Jung Eun replied sadly.

"Don't take Jinsoul's words to heart. She is known to tease people when they first transfer here. It was the same for me." Chuu said.

"Oh...ok." Jung Eun replied.

"Hey, would you like to be friends with me?" Jung Eun asked shyly.

"Sure! We will be best buddies from now on, today's day one! Chuu exclaimed jubilantly. 

And that was the start of Chuu and Jung Eun's friendship.

Why was Jung Eun treated that way? Will Jinsoul ever talk to Jung Eun again? Will Chuu and Jung Eun's friendship last?

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