"I bet he look like his daddy" rick said with a smirk. "He do, but that ain't the point" I shrugged.

Xion walked over hugging me. "aww my little mommas boy" I cooed kissing his cheek.

"Boy get off yo momma like that and be a man !" rick said making me roll my eyes.

"Rick leave my baby alone" I mugged him. "Get ya titty out his mouth" he said.

"Shut up nigga he wasn't even breast fed" I said bucking at him. "You sure about that ?" he asked.

"Yes i'm sure because my ass was locked up until he was almost three, you think imma put my titty in his mouth over the phone ?"

"Girl shut the hell up and go downstairs !" he said.

"Mhm" I flicked him off walking pass with xion.

"Mommy do I really look like my dad ?" I heard xion ask making me look down.

"Ehhh yea, you look a lot like him" I said nodding.

"I thought I looked like you though" he pouted. "You look a little like me poppa, when you was younger you looked more like me but you got most of his genes now" I said while we was walking down the stairs.

"Who is my dad ?" he asked and I sighed heavily.

"you don't wanna know baby" I mumbled kissing his head.

We made it down stairs and xion ran off going to find beyonce.

Beyonce pov:

"Mommy !" I heard and turned around to see xion.

"Hi poppa" I smiled walking up to him. He hugged me and I kissed his cheek twice.

"I missed you" he said laying his head on my chest. "I missed you too boo, you don't be answering my calls" I mugged him.

"Cause I be on the phone with my girlfriend and-"Hold the hell on" I cut him off.

"Who yo girlfriend ?" I raised a eyebrow. "This fine girl that cheer for my team, she asked me for my number" he said smiling.

"You is too young to have a girlfriend" I said shaking my head.

"She likes me though mommy, and she pretty" he said "Do yo momma know you got a girlfriend ?" I asked.

"no because she gone whoop me" he whispered making me laugh.

Blue started jumping in my arms and pointing. I followed to where she was pointing to see nika walking in.

"Hi blueberry" she gasped walking over. She smiled taking her out of my hands.

"h-hi" I mumbled feeling nervous.

"Hey" she said dryly walking away.

I looked down sadly only to be met with xions smiling face. "don't be sad mommy, she talks about you all the time"

"She does ?" I asked "Mhm" he nodded.

"What she be saying ?" I asked "I can't tell you" he said shaking his head.

"Why notttt" I dragged out "Because I promised mommy I wouldn't" he said making me roll my eyes.

Mommas boy.

"You fake" I said walking away from him.

"Nu uh !" I heard him say then he popped up beside me "Mhmm" I hummed looking down at him.

"Hi mommy" anastasia smiled walking up to me. "Hi baby" I said hugging her.

"Beyonce come on !!" I heard nika say.

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