1: The "End" of Nazarick

Start from the beginning

  "Oh, I have to go soon. I'm way too sleepy." Herohero remembered, pulling up his options menu.

  "Oh. Make sure you rest well." You requested.

  "I'm sorry I can't stay the whole time. But, I'm really surprised that the Great Tomb of Nazarick is still here." He noted

  "Huh?" Momonga was... surprised at the comment, to say the least.

  "You must have been maintaining it as the guild leader, Momonga."

  "Well, Nazarick was a base that we created together." The named lich player pointed out.

  "Momonga... thank you for all your hard work. I hope we meet again somewhere. And Y/n, it was nice." With those words of farewell, the player logged out, leaving only two members of the guild, and a window that notified the log out.

  "..." after a moment of silence between you and Momonga, the lich raised a hand to slam against the ground, before pausing with a sigh.

  "Y/n, thank you for staying, until the end." He told you, standing up.

  "Of course, how could I see this place go and not be there until the last second?" You asked, sincere in tone.

  "I'll feel it when I wake up for work tomorrow, but it's nothing a few strong cups of coffee won't fix."

  "Heh, yeah..." Momonga got up, pushing his chair in.

  "I'll be in the throne room, okay?" You told him.

  "Of course." With the confirmation, that light of life faded from this doll's eyes, instead reappearing in another, giving you a new view.

  You were situated in a velvet seat to the side of the main throne, in a dark themed room decorated with over-the-top pillars, banners for each member of the guild, and a peculiar, large, pale, bony creature clinging to the ceiling.

  To the other side of the throne, a tall, female NPC stood. Dressed in a white dress that split to reveal her hips and shoulders with gold linings, which made the only color in her build aside from her similarly colored eyes, Albedo the succubus was one the more... monochrome NPC's present in this guild.

  Of course, she had more features present, such as the horns that jutted from her temples and the dark wings that curled around her legs, matching her long hair in color, but you only needed one guess as to what others noticed first about her.

  After a minute, the far door opened, and Momonga walked inside, taking a last look around the mighty halls as the Pleiades walked in line after him.

  "Ah, Albedo." Momonga noted, turning back to the maids, headed by lone butler Sebas.

  "Y/n, what was the command to have them stop following you again?" Momonga asked.

  "It was Stand By." You answered. At the words, the Pleiades bowed, before turning to walk to the side, uniformly turning again to face forward, awaiting their next order, not that it would ever come.

"Hm..." you looked over at Momonga, who was in his throne, scrolling down a list of settings as Albedo looked at him with a smile.

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