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The Wordless Golden Book of the Last Days

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 61:

    Xia Meng broke away from Mu Qiming's embrace and stood up. Her movements seemed to be too violent, but inexplicably numbness in her legs made her whole person sway, as if she was about to fall immediately.

    Mu Qiming thought that her spiritual power hadn't recovered yet, so she immediately stepped forward to help and said, "Don't get up, take a rest!"

    He thought that now there is a mother and a few elders who are taking action, plus the Luo family brought by Luo Sheng. Even if the alien magic vine cannot be eliminated, it can delay the battle and maintain the status quo. Although Xia Meng's actions just now looked amazing, she was only a teenager, and she would never surpass her. Whether she participates in the war should not affect the situation.

    And when he saw Xia Meng standing up, he was even more shocked, staying in place: How did her look change! She is Xia Meng? Why does it look so different from just now? It seems to have grown up, matured, and changed into another person in an instant!

    Before he had time to observe carefully, Xia Meng pushed him hard, looking very resistant and anxious: "Can't wait any longer, it's too late."


    Xia Meng didn't have the energy to pay attention to Mu Qiming's questions. The moment of shaking when she stood up just now wasn't actually a matter of spiritual power-she felt that her body was full of spiritual energy at this moment-but her legs were a little numb. This made Xia Meng a little confused. Because according to Mu Qiming's words and her observations, she was in a coma for only a few minutes, but her legs actually felt like they had been sitting for years! Even the limbs have varying degrees of discomfort. This made her wonder whether the inexplicable space she had entered when she was in a coma and the experience that seemed to be tens of thousands of years was true or just an illusion.

    But no matter what, Xia Meng knew that she had become different after all.

    "They must be stopped." She faced the magic vine that covered the entire street, like a large cocoon-shaped magic vine, her expression very solemn.

    Mu Qiming was puzzled: "Stop?"

    "Stop." Xia Meng said, "That alien species is not really weak, but pretending to be dormant, making people think that it has reached the extreme. But if you look closely, you will. It was discovered that it was accumulating strength and was secretly absorbing their attacks!"

    Mu Qiming couldn't believe what Xia Meng said, but at the moment he looked away, Xia Meng took off into the air without delay. Mu Qiming saw that she was still in the same way as before, making simple jumps in twos or twos, without the support of any flying treasure, just relying on her bounce ability to reach another roof that was not too close to them. There, Luo Sheng was leading the Luo family to suppress the alien magic vine.

    Xia Meng's rash approach made the Luo family vigilant, and they withdrew their attacks on Demon Vine, and turned to besiege Xia Meng. It's just that Luo Sheng stopped them before they even shot.

    Only after drinking it, Luo Sheng showed an expression of astonishment. Except for the person in front of him, except for the faintly visible appearance of Xia Meng in his eyebrows, he was wearing the same clothes he saw before today. They all made him feel very strange.

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