Chapter 5 ~ Life just makes it unnecessarily difficult for many ....

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Victorias Pov.

Now here, in the Slytherin common room, I was sitting on one of the comfortable sofas and thinking.
How should I go about my task, okay, this didn't seem to be the biggest problem to me, but rather that I wasn't alone with the task.
No, unfortunately Malfoy had to interfere in order to restore his father's honor and become the model son he once was. Without him it would be easy to fix the Vanishing Cabinet and kill Dumbledore.
I didn't know how to tell Malfoy that I had a job from the dark lord just like him, to be more precise the same job?
But I got no further, because the two idiots I called my friends sat down in the black armchairs.
They didn't say anything.

I let my gaze wander through the whole room and stopped at a couple of beautiful eyes, they were so unique, with this very light blue, almost gray.
It was literally storming inside them, I wanted to tear myself away because I recognized who those eyes belonged to, Malfoy, of course.
For some reason, Malfoy returned my gaze. At that moment there was nothing more than the two of us, not even Zabini, who was talking cheerfully in the background, bothered us. It felt like hours where we just looked each other in the eye, but no, I don't want, can't and shouldn't. At some point I managed to tear myself away from his eyes on my own and to devote my attention to Zabini. Malfoy, who noticed this, made a slightly dejected face, but also turned in Zabini's direction. Now I heard all the conversations again, which previously seemed to have been erased. But my train of thought was interrupted when Zabini spoke to me.
"Hey Viktoria, are you listening to me at all, I wanted to know why you suddenly ran out of the hall?" He's not serious now, he can't just leave me alone. "I have secrets that nobody should know, so please leave me alone and take care of your own business", I threw him at his head, before I stood up and strutted into my dormitory with my head held high.
I could literally feel Zabini's confused look on my back, but I didn't let it show and continued on my way.

Blaise Zabinis Pov.

That was really strange now, I shouldn't be surprised at Victoria anymore, but since we were back at Hogwarts she was acting stranger than usual. "Draco do you have any idea what this was about?", But Draco remained silent. So I turned back away from the stairs and towards Draco, my best friend since first grade.
"Hey Draco, are you even listening to me?" As I said this, I snapped my fingers in front of his face.
"W-what, what are you doing Blaise?" Draco growled, looking annoyed at me.
"I asked you something, Draco, whatever. What do you think went into Victoria in your opinion. Since we've been back here she's been acting stranger than usual. "
Draco thought about it seriously and finally replied, "I honestly have no idea what's going on with her, but you know how girls are."

Viktorias Pov.

When I sat on the bed in my dormitory, my shoulders became heavy.
Every day I felt like I was breaking down under this burden.
I often wished for a carefree life.
A life that almost all of the students here at Hogwarts led. A life where the only worries were whether you failed the test or whether the other person you love, don't love you in return.
It could be a lot easier.
But life just makes it unnecessarily difficult for many ...


When I woke up I found that the dormitory was empty. I overslept and my roommates didn't think it necessary to wake me up. Now I'm late for Potions.
In less than 5 minutes I was ready to go to class, my advantage was that the classroom was just like the common room in the dungeons.
So I didn't have to go that far.
In front of the classroom I paused for a moment, took a deep breath, pushed open the wooden door and, without waiting for Professor Slughorn's orders, just sat down in my seat, which, to my chagrin, was next to Malfoy.
Merlin, can the day get any worse?
Slughorn only gave me a brief critical look, then went back to teaching.
We had to brew the potion of the living dead today.
But since I had started far too late, by the end of the lesson my potion was blue and had taken on a firm consistency.
Potter, who was now allowed to attend class, had surprisingly made the best potion.
Though he'd always been a nut in Potions in Snape's class.
If it had been up to Snape, he would not have been allowed to take the Potions class this year because he only managed one exceeding expectation in the OWL exams.
But apparently a mediocre performance was enough for Slughorn.
Potter was obviously Slughorn's favorite already.
Of course as always.
When Potter was handed a small vial filled with Felix felicis, Malfoy stiffened next to me.
I had to hold back a grin.
He hadn't seriously assumed that a small vial of liquid happiness would help him with his task.
He was so naive ...

Surprising turn - a turn for the better?  Or into madness ... (Draco Ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt